Date men from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 21 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm the kind of person who cherishes life and everything that comes with it. My family is very important to me. They are the backbone of who I am and I thank them for that. I am young, with a lot a life to live, and I want to share that with a special someone. I really don't want to write a massive paragraph about what I like, don't like, what I'm looking for in a relationship! That seems to take away the fun of conversating with someone if they already know everything about me. I understand it's the point of this site, but I want to "meet" NEW people, TALK to them so I MYSELF can figure out what they like and enjoy.

Meet a guy from Arkansas, United States. Light old soul, that smiles about eveything, I think that is what best describes me. I'm shy, but up to a point. Sometimes I'm smart and sometimes I'm stupid. My friends call me a hippie but it's just that they havent met a real hippie.

Date single boy from Arkansas, United States. im single loking to fin the love of my life and she has to be really good on everything. this person has to be really pretty and sexy because im an athlete and im in shape.i like to play soccer a lot and like to have fun on every sport i play.i like to be there for you as i would like the same for you to be there for me too on good times and bad times so thi is pretty much what im especting for this person im going to get to know.

Meet a boy from Arkansas, United States. Email me if you are interested and maybe we can work something out and meet up some where. I'm twenty one years old seperated and have a beautiful little girl. ,.................................................

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am a very silly person and I have a very strong motivation to work, I have worked hard for everything I have. I am always trying to put myself and my partner in a better position in life. I love to just hang out, like going to the park in the evening, or laying on the couch and watching movies. I also LOVE to go swimming.
I am looking for someone who appreciates hard work. Someone who will be there and can make me smile even when I am having a horrible day. I believe everyone needs that person to be there for you to tell you everything will be alright..

Meet a soulmate from United States. I can't describe myself because any attempt to do so would be to ascribe personality traits that I may or may not have depending on my own perception of who I am. The best way to get to know me is to talk to me. I can be opinionated and serious or ridiculous and noncommittal.
I would like to meet someone that has a personality. Someone that I can drop pop culture, musical, and literary references at and who gets the joke. I might like to do certain "country" things, I am not looking for a country woman. I drive a truck but I do not want to take you mudding. Someone who would be interested in seeing a show and laugh with me about how awful the local bands are.

Date a guy from United States. I want a relationship that i can trust. I like to laugh and want someone that will make me laugh. Someone that shares my passion for plants and being in the outdoors. I like to go out but not necessarily drink. My friends say that i am a nice person sometimes maybe to nice and i can be some what shy. My pet peeve is fake people that are nice to you then completely change when their away from you. I am in line to enter the peace corps when i graduate in a year and a half. I want to help people grow food for themselves and help them understand food sustainability.

Meet single boy from United States. what ever i said in my headline im new to this so just keep it simple and we will see where it goes. and if you want to know more about me then just ask im not too shy just looking for something casual.

Date a boy from United States. When I have a free time I like to hang out with my friends and have fun with them, or I play a little bit of soccer just to find the enjoyment, I like to read, watch movies also.
My goals in the future is to be the best couch in soccer ever, my dream is to go Europe to achieve what other people did not.
What makes me a unique person is that I like to joke, smile, laugh, being open minded to understand all people. Plus, I am smart, handsome, and respectful.
I love Rock music, some rap, hip hop, and romantic!

Meet someone special from United States. Looking for a nice cute girl who can be kind of a nerd herself. absolutely must have a sense of humor and please be intelligent. please be ok with being treated to dinner quite often (I have a bad habit of spoiling lol). not a "must" but I love a girl with a beautiful smile because I believe a man isn't doing his job unless he makes her smile every single day. I know it sounds like I'm just making things up now but I also want a girl who will talk to me rather then keep everything to herself all the time, I'm a very good listener. Im really look forward to hearing from you :).

Date a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. My name is Josh, not really big on telling people about myself unless they ask. Here we go I guess... My father was a NAVY SEAL, so I traveled most of the United States, and much of the world. My family has always possessed farm land in Arkansas, they finally built a house and bam, that's where I live now. Rodney (my dog) and I live by ourselves and have a blast! I went to military high-school (the good kind lol) in hopes to follow my fathers foot steps. However the Navy would not take me because of an old football injury. So then I figured I would actually use my brain and go back to school and work towards the life I want. I am very active, anything outdoors you name it I like it. I usually keep myself busy most of the time, mainly due to the fact of I hate being bored. Meeting new people is an everyday goal for me. As for the relationships, I have moved around a lot, or they have ended bad. I seem to be kind of old school in the sense of my attitude and mindset towards woman. For example, I cannot think of a time in my life I haven't opened a door for a woman, and I actually almost faced legal trouble because I ruffed up a guy who was hitting on his girl friend.
I'm am a pretty busy guy, but I can always make time for someone who sparks my interest.
I am Funny, Smart, and Outgoing

Meet a guy from Fayetteville, United States. I like alot of things... i have love and compassion for all living things. people tell me im attractive, funny, and sweet. i work a lot and go to school. i have a lot of plans for my life. I want to find someone to hang out with and see where things go. I am sometimes a little crazy so be warned lol.