Date men from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 67 year old

Date a soulmate from United States. Smart, easy going happy-go-lucky person. Very generous when careing for someone. A serious saver and investor, with a passion for interesting things. Looking for someone with a strong passionable, romantic, loving and supportive person.

Meet someone special from United States. Music is my passion, and I've been playing guitar since the age of 15. Played in Classic rock bands during High School and College, jammed with professional musicians who played Bluegrass and Classic Country for two years while living in Tennessee; and for the last several months I've been teaching myself to play Chord Melody Jazz - the hardest style to play on guitar.
Enjoy riding my Harley-Davidson, going on road trips, and exploring new places in Arkansas, Missouri and elsewhere. Riding to new and different places on a Harley, smelling the scents of nature, and enjoying a panoramic view of all the things around you is an adventure few people ever get the opportunity to experience. If you've already had that experience of "freedom", then you can relate to what I just shared. Not into riding with the "bar-hopping" biker crowd, but value and enjoy people from all walks of life and their worth as a human beings. An occassional glass of wine or a frozen strawberry margarita with a friend can be a special treat. Antique shopping, or really almost anything, can be fun if it's with that special someone in my life. Enjoy photography and creating interesting photos from pictures taken on bike trips and in travel with Adobe Elements. While not an avid golfer due to the time it takes to play, I still enjoy playing occasionally. When it's cold outside, nothing beats a cozy warm wood-burning fireplace to cuddle with that special someone. The aroma of wood burning and a hot drink can also add to the enjoyment of the moment...
Easy going, laid-back type of personality, not much ruffles me in any situation. Drama and conflict between mature adults is totally unnecessary, so I have no desire to be involved in that type of lifestyle - life is too short!
People tell me that I look 10 - 11 years younger than my age, and I believe that I feel and act like it as well! Exercise and eating healthy also has a lot to do with keeping in great condition; and I'm very much into both of those endeavors. Here's my weekly exercise routine: 600 pushups; walk over 30 miles; work out with weights 3 days per week. Take Saturdays and Sundays off for R & R.
My career started out as a top-selling Special Agent with Prudential Insurance Company, spent several years in Management with Prudential and Guardian Life before establishing my own Financial Planning Firms, both in Arkansas and in Tennessee, with insurance agents, stockbrokers, CFP's, and CLU's working out of my office.
Seeking a woman with a "good heart" which can be evidenced by the things that come forth out of her inner most being. If you're looking for a man of "substance", I'm here! If you're looking for a man of "means" (rich man) continue your search, as more often than not, they don't come in the same package.
My interests are varied, and I view each day as an adventure to be experienced and enjoyed. Looking for that special "someone" who can relate to the things just shared, and who is sincere in their search for a life time partner. I'm not into "serial dating", just desire to find that "special lady" who is looking for a "special man". If that's you, then by all means, send me a wink or e-mail...

Date single man from United States. Closest friend describe me as sensitive, spiritual, romantic, intelligent, honest, faithful, and compassionate. Some things that make me smile are my own foolishness, a child playing, someone praying, a bird singing, a rainbow, a beautiful melody, an attractive woman. Most proud of my three grown sons, educational degrees, Vietnam veteran with bronze star, captain of basketball and golf teams in college, campus favorite in college. Am grateful for an enduring relationship with God, the love of my family, relatively good health, an inquiring mind, music and the ability to sing. Am looking for a companion who is not hard on the eyes, likes to laugh, and is semi-intelligent. My social life at present is playing golf 4-5 days a week with 3-6 regular men. Looking for female companion to share fine arts, movies, dining, trips, and conversation. Am most passionate about truth, fairness, and freedom.

Meet a man from United States. I've lived in the "fast lanes" in a professional capacity in Los Angeles, ventured into business in east Tennessee, and taught at the college level in Arizona. Arrived in AR and love the locale and the people; plan to stay.
I enjoy unpretentious people, those who have a good senses of humor and who are quick witted. I laugh easily and have no doubt I can make you smile. The hi-tec stuff is alright, but I'd prefer to see your bright eyes and similing face rather than a text message or tweat. Although am an "audio," the "visual" part of me likes the real thing. I am usually a participant, less so a spectator.
Not really (at this time) looking for an inseparable relationship, but not ruling it out, either. Since I have little family here (1 son) am looking for a mature friend; we'll see where it leads. A little adventure in your life from time to time is a good thing. Don't you agree?
Just noticed the prompt on "What makes you smile?" I smile at babies and children around 10 and under, kittens, baby dogs, the sunrise, the sunset, my paycheck, when I can help one of my friends, and when I meet you.
P.S. Don't panic about the photo, I look better after I shave: That means I'll be updating it soon.

Date a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. Professional gentleman who knows how to treat a lady. Warm, attentive and laid back. Looking for freindship, romance and fun times. Interest in dating. Enjoys many things, fine dining, cooking, wine, gardening, sports, hiking and baseball.

Meet someone special from Fayetteville, United States. I am a 67 year old man raising my 15 year old daughter and her puppy, and I am loving every minute of it. I say I am no ordinary man because it is true. I am active, I love life, I would rather be outside working in my yard than doing most anything else. I run and own my own business. Obviously I am looking for a woman or I wouldn't be on here, but the catch is I am looking for the right woman for me.

Date single man from Fayetteville, United States. I am a combination of easy going, accepting, faithful, stable but a somewhat task oriented, slightly obsessive compulsive, male who has a wide variety of interests.
My match should be someone who loves her faith, her family and her friends; who accepts the differences between male and female; who takes care of and has pride in her body; who loves outdoor and somewhat physical activities; who makes friends easily; who enjoys her personal quiet time as well as time spent with others in settings ranging from campfires to private dinners, to business/social engagements.

Meet a man from Fayetteville, United States. looking for honest companionship/relationship
enjoy traveling
sports--baseball and football
friends know that I am a fun loving person and laugh
health has improved since back operations

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Its hard to describe but I have been alone long enough. I work hard and would like to be able to come home to someone with a smile and a hug. I just think that there is more said with a soft touch than the spoken word. I am not looking for a doll or just a mantle piece. I want interaction and kindness and caring. I hate confrontation, usually no winners in that fight. I am a one on one person and really would like to have the same. In a relationship if trust is lost it can never be recovered. With the right person all things are possible.