Date men from United States / Arkansas / El Dorado, 32 year old

Date someone special from El Dorado, United States. hello i'm a science student at sau have red hair blue eyez smart goodlooking fun to be around guy looking for about the same in a woman some one who is enjoyable and fun to be aroound

Meet a man from El Dorado, United States. I am a very motivated person. I love my job. I get to work with kids, keeping them off of the streets. I have a bachelor's degree in political science, but I am currently finishing my master's in education. I am very energetic and friendly. I love being the life of the party. I DJ sometimes on the weekends to make extra money and just to have fun.
I am new to El Dorado and don't know many people. I'm looking for someone I can hang out with and if all goes well, that I can date. I love women that are passionate about their beliefs, even if they are not my own. I do want to date someone attractive, but intelligence comes first.

Date a soulmate from El Dorado, United States. First of all, I'm NOT some internet stalker or perv. I'm NOT some hacker trying to spy on you or sell you something. I'm a Real Red Blooded American Guy.
My faith in Jesus Christ is one of the most important things in my life. I love the outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping, etc... pretty much anything outdoors.
I'm not into childish games or hanging out in bars. I'm pretty conservative in most areas. Most people think I'm quiet and reserved and I am, but as they say, it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for. I like to have fun too. I love kids. I have triplet nephews and a niece that I love to death.
I'm loyal and dependable and very patient. it usualy takes a lot to get me angry. Though I stay pretty busy, I'm never too busy for my friends and family. I believe God 1st, Family 2nd, Work 3rd, Myself 4th is the key to prioitizing. I'm a fixer. I love helping people, and solving problems. I'm pretty well rounded. I've done a little bit of everything under the sun and there is nothing I can't do.
As far as what I'm looking for, Faith in Christ is a must have. Being active, energetic, and outgoing is a huge plus. I like people who can be spontaneous. Not that there is anything wrong with planning stuff but spontaneity adds spice to life. I want someone who can go play outside and get dirty but likes to get dressed up and too. Basically, I want a best friend to share my life with, and have fun with along the way. I think I'm a really good guy and I want a good girl too.
I'd love to hear from you. If you want to know more about me, just ask. I won't bite.

Meet single man from El Dorado, United States. Im the kind of guy that prefers to avoid trouble. I don't smoke, but people that do aren't a problem. My job allows me to spend time with my son which is awesome but the pay is not Finding that release from the daily grind for me would be when i watch college football with my best friends over a few cold ones and the weekends i have my boy. I am really looking for the girl next door type, cute and easy to get along with. I have my own place with a lot of land and a pond, its very peaceful there.. except during the hunting seasons.

Date someone special from United States. my friends would say that i m a laid back,shy person until i get to know u.just love to enjoy myself,don't have time for drama.i love spending time with my family.i m looking for someone that knows what they want,someone who is faithful,honest,caring.i give 100% in whatever i do,n i love to spoil my woman