Date men from United States / Arkansas / Crossett, 32 year old

Date single man from Crossett, United States. Someone that likes to have fun and sex and someone that loves baseball and they have to love the outdoors! and hunting, fishing! The outdoors is my life! and i will trade with people! I am most passionate about baseball! and sex! hahah what makes me laugh is people that dont care what people think bout them! I hope to attract someone sexy! and thats wants to have sex and trade pics! Im grateful for family!!!!!

Meet a soulmate from Crossett, United States. If someone is interested, then we can go further into this. So until then I will leave this as is.
I just might light up your life.
So about me.. Divorced, two kids whom I love dearly. prior military.
adventurous, passionate, and dedicated, loves movies, playing guitars, campfires, motorcycles, cuddling. I'm a very affectionate person, I love most everything in life except clubs. believe that puts everything into a nut shell about me.
Whom I am searching for..
Someone who loves kids, & can accept that I have 2 children. ( priority #1).
Someone who is affectionate, & monogamous in their relationship.
Someone who likes to have dinner & a movie, or a movie at home.
Someone who knows what a job is, & can maintain one.
Someone who is not an alcoholic, but likes an occasional drink.