Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fair Oaks, 86 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am independent, have good mental health, dislike unfairness, untrustworthiness, arrogance. Would like companionship with man who has as little baggage as possible at this age, is in fairly good health and respects women. My social life consists of mostly women friends, two groups; one is a book group, one old friends dining at each other's homes. I belong to a university group for retirees who want to keep learning. I have recently had my DNA done. I like seeing and learning new things. I have neighbor friends who socialize. I plan to try kayaking with my grandson soon. I seen to be attracted to slender men rather than heavyset ones. Ha! I am told that I look much younger than I am, that I think younger also. I am amused when someone says I look only 70 and that is a compliment!! Life is such a mystery.

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