Date men from United States / Arkansas / Alexander, 33 year old

Date single man from Alexander, United States. I tend to be shy at first but warm up to people quickly. My friends would say Im the kind of person who will give you the shirt off my back and always keep my word to people, I value honesty and trust. I do not have a large selection of friends but enjoy keeping the ones I have close. I Love humor and can find it in almost any situation, I would like the same in a relationship. I feel that I have acomplished great things in life as far as work goes and would like to complete that with a good healthy relationship and someone to enjoy life with.

Meet someone special from Alexander, United States. Hey I am a single guy; who is looking for a girl to talk to; to be friends and hang out with. I am not really looking for a girl friend; but we will see how it goes as it unfolds. I am shy till I get to know you; then I am outgoing. Just a friendly guy who is trying to get the most out of little life God gave me. Get to know me and find out more.