Date men from United States / Arkansas / Alexander, 29 year old

Date a guy from Alexander, United States. Graduated from Auburn University with accounting degree. Moved to Little Rock and working at a CPA firm. Enjoy playing guitar and golf. Looking for someone that I can have a conversation with and just an overall normal girl..

Meet single boy from Alexander, United States. i'm not going to pay for this since most of the girls on here are just being attention seekers...if you really want to get to know me find me somewhere else and send a message!!!!
my ideal match is someone intelligent, open minded!!!, funny, laid back, and of course attractive. no self centered people need waste time talking to me.
most of the criteria on here doesn't matter in a relationship, i mean really! if someones income matters to you, you're a pathetic person!! GOLD DIGGER!!

Date a boy from Alexander, United States. I'm pretty laid back and easy goin i really enjoy gettin out and meeting new people. I want to find someone that is fun and can make me laugh. I havent had that in a long time and would like to feel that feeling again.