Date men from United States / Arkansas / Van Buren, 33 year old

Date a man from Arkansas, United States. I am a very calm and relaxed person i dont get to excited about things i seem to think i might be a little boring to some people i am not big on going out to clubs and bars i enjoy spending time with someone at the house cuddled up watching a good movie and just enjoying each other. I enjoy cooking and the out doors i like to work out it seems to be a great stress releaver.
I am looking for someone who can enjoy the simple things like me and not have to constantly be going out someone who can have a good time and enjoy time with me
I am looking for someone who wants a family i have a son who is 5 so family is what is important to me.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am ok looking hard worker never had kids and never married i like to have fun i like to meet a lady to love and to treat like a queen i want kids one day i work out and race bikes i want a honest lady that i can make happy

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. down to earth an dont mind to speak my mind. im in to all types of music as long as its good. been a bad boy type most of my life an looking 4 something new.looking 4 that 1 that shares the same n all. freak on the lease sort

Meet single man from Arkansas, United States. Im 33 and have 2 children. Enjoy playing and watching sports. Would pick a comedy over most any other movie. Have had the same steady job for 13 yrs. Looking for a woman who enjoys kids and spending some quite time alone. Can deal with me working sometimes long odd hours.

Date a man from Van Buren, United States. I’m the 33 year old Dad of the 3 most amazing kids on the planet…2 beautiful daughters and one handsome son. I’m divorced. I was married to my wife for nearly 13 years. It just didn’t work out. She hurt me but I don’t hate her and you’ll never ever hear me talk bad about her. I just don’t talk about her period. Surface facts….I hate olives….black or green, doesn’t matter, I hate them both equally. I love music and it sometimes is what comforts me. I can play the guitar but wish I could play the piano. I was adopted. I’m left handed, have a borderline obsession with ice cream, don’t particularly care for cats and love smoking a good cigar once in a while. I don’t drink beer, can’t seem to quit my Coca-Cola addiction and love it when girls wear fruity perfumes or have great smelling hair (yeah I said it…and no I’m not gay). I’m a shoe aficionado, a Pisces, have 3 tattoos and can’t think of too many things better than a good cup of coffee with an even better conversation. And that’s just the surface….anything more can be revealed upon request.
I’m looking for someone who doesn’t cheat, loves the arts but isn’t a stoner. It would also be nice if she wasn’t a psychotic insane super freak…which are the only ones I seem to attract. I’d like her to be secure but a little jealous over her man when it comes to other women (territorial but trusting). It makes a man feel wanted when she stands up and says “he’s mine, back off”. I’d prefer someone who just loves every ounce of life and doesn’t worry about things all the time. Outside of that I’m pretty well open to anything.

Meet someone special from Van Buren, United States. I never really considered trying an online dating site before, but I decided to give this a try. I'm an honest, down-to-earth guy who really enjoys and appreciates my family and friends. I have a really good sense of humor, and I love to laugh. I like to do all sorts of golf, fish, exercise, go out to eat, see new movies, etc. I'm also working on getting my private pilot's license. Ever since I first laid eyes on an airplane I've wanted to learn to fly. I also like getting together with family and friends as much as possible. I have a pretty witty sense of humor, and I usually keep everyone entertained and laughing. I'll admit though that sometimes it takes me a little while to get warmed up, and get to know someone a little bit before I'm comfortable showing this side of myself. I also have a serious side, and can be a deep thinker at times. But, I do know how to have fun, and I'm open to doing new things or taking trips at the drop of a hat. I'm looking for someone I can be friends with at first, and then let it advance into something more if it's right. If you want to learn more about me, or if you have more questions, then just message me. I'm pretty easy going.

Date a soulmate from Van Buren, United States. Hi im recently duvorced,have two boys,lift weights,enjoy fishing,camping,hiking,motor sports and just about ant thing fun. I have a good job and always support my family. I like going out with freinds and family.

Meet single man from Van Buren, United States. I am just a cool , laid back and simple person with no lavish lifestyle because i am thinking of tomorrow. like to talk to someone that is broad minded and can keep a healthy conversation. Because there are not many activities around my area,I am at home most of the time after work.

Date a man from United States. I want someone that doesn't try to be someone who they aren't. I want someone who is intelligent and caring and above all else loyal, honest, and trustworthy. I want someone that I can care about but also I can argue with and be a smart alek to and she will fight back. I want someone that is the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing on my mind as I go to sleep.