Date a man from Arkansas, United States. I am a 31yr old daddy of two girls and one boy! I started with that bc it is my 1st priority! Well I was wrong they r a close second! God and my Lord and savior are 1st! I couldnt lead a congragation but I do enjoy tryn to live my life the best I can! I am a country boy and enjoy the outdoors and all activities that come along with it! I would most definetly would want somone who enjoys some country life and outdoors foursure! I love the family life over singel life anyday! It kinda bites to sit down here and fill this out. I mean if ur a pro at bein single and have all the pefect words for this, I dang sure dont need you! I have never dated as a adult. I got married right out of high school. So I am in a deffernt world these days!lol I want my future lady to have alot of my same intrest in God, family and morals! Ps my pics will always have somone with me! jst not my thing to take pics bymyself!