Date a guy from Mountain Home, United States. I am looking for someone who is caring, loving, smothering and shows their love as much as I show my love. I like a woman who doesnt mind showing their affection towards me. I want someone who is good looking and in decent shape, i do not want a woman who is skin and bones, you have to have a little bit of meat on you. I do not like liars or cheaters. You have to be kid friendly cause i have 2 children and they come first in my life.
Meet single boy from Mountain Home, United States. How 'bout them Cubbies! It's a nice sunny day when I'm deciding to attempt this and I hope it's the same for you as you're reading it.
I'm the type of person who's down for about anything as long as it involves a good time with good people and good music. (Exceptions such as a sing-a-long to some Beiber, line dancing, and watching fox news do exist.) Born and raised in Arkansas so a fondness for the outdoors, wildlife, and starry skies has grown over the years. However, liking country music, hunting, or having a southern accent has not. I'm a sucker for a good book, barbeques and horseshoes, and afternoons on the lake. Bob Marley and John Lennon express how I strive to live better than I ever could in this awkward, self-promoting section so I'll leave most of the basics and generalities to them. I'm an avid sports fan and quite passionate about my favorite teams. And if it turns out you like the Cowboys or the Yankees, it's fine, really. Just know I will be smiling and silently rejoicing when they lose, but my shoulder will always be there for you to cry on.
Aside from sports, I try to watch as little television as possible, unless it's educational or hilariously funny, like Tosh.0 or Sarah Palin. Seinfeld is the greatest ever and I do enjoy HBO series' such as The Wire, Band of Brothers, The Extras, and Rome. I figure that the opinions, knowledge, and imaginations imbued in the works of authors such as Tolstoy, Goodkind, Dando-Collins, and Dawkins have much more to offer than Snookie, The Real World, Bill O'Reilly, or the 700 club.
I'm Currently working on becoming a chef (I taught Bobby Flay how to grill when I was only 4 years old and gave Emeril his signature "Bam" when I was two) so work and procrastinating studying take up most of my time. I love to cook and learn about all the different cuisines. One day I'll taste them all! I'll be certified in about a year and looking to relocate, possibly around a city like Chicago, Portland, or somewhere on the east coast. Of course, Italy, China, and France are never out of the equation. Perhaps you could help me decide as my choices seemingly encompass the globe.
Family is very important to me; I'm very close to my parents, extended family, and my three brothers. I'm lucky to have an extended family that lives all over the states which makes traveling a blast and something I try to do as much as possible. Life is short; I try and spend it with the people I love and care about, learning, experiencing, and living as much as possible. I mean, why not? I've always wanted to live a year removed from civilization, like Thoreau at Walden's Pond, but without the frequent trips into town. Wouldn't that be sweet?! Or doing the six month hike down the Appalachian Trail! Let's do this!
Well, I think that about covers the basics. I look forward to hearing from you! As for what I'm looking for in a woman, I'd expect you to be you; a proud woman who is passionate about life and your endeavors and excited about what the future can bring! One Love! Amor y Paz!
Date a boy from Mountain Home, United States. I`d like to find someone that I can effortlessly get along with and spend time with that and not have to be entertaining them all the time. I like to be active and try different things. Variety is the spice of life.