Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 71 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm a good natured man. Lots and lots of interests. Once a person lets me in I'm very loyal and trusting. I grew up in Southern Michigan outside of Detroit. I lived two years in Melbourne Australia. I often feel at one with nature. I play music on a variety of instruments. I hold no resentments and like to live in the "now" or the present. I'm looking for happy positive people. Frizbee throwers, hikers, smilers, laughers, thinkers.
I asked myself,"Are you nuts? Why are you doing this?"
It took some time to answer, "I would like some human support and contact?" I guess that's as good as any." I'm friendly to everyone I meet on the street unless they are trying to use me in some way. That's been marginally successful. I have friends but most of them are in other states or in towns too far away.
I'm casual, not pushy with a pretty good outlook. I realize how short life is so I try to make people feel accepted by reinforcing what they say or give logical reason why I disagree with them.
I am the music department. I play several instruments, some better than others. I love instrumental music and other forms but mostly I like to hear the mixture of the regular instruments.
I have traveled most of the western world but haven't been to Asia.
I am purchasing a house in Tucson. I was married once. I'm not looking to get married. Just want human support and contact. If you want the same from a fairly nice guy give a call [e-mail.]

Meet single man from United States. I am a fun man who loves to cook and entertain at home or in my motor home. Laughter is and must be part of any relationship. I am looking for an honest, loyal, loving lady. She must be able to give and receive unconditional love. I am a romantic at heart. Time together is the most important.

Date someone special from United States. I am retired Civil engineer, and for myself I enjoy Mechinacal things. I like to Barbeque and serve my guest's good food and also alow for a romatic setting if the opportunity presents itself. I enjoy having a great time with all my friens, busines or casual aquaintences.

Meet a man from United States. Intelligent and loves to have fun. A bit old fashioned but highly tolerant.
Loves music,sports and life overall.
Retired as CEO of a small division of a large oil company. Loved my career, it was fun building something for everyone.

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. I'm pretty much set in my ways and looking for a women of the same mind but is willing, like myself, to due what it takes to make a real relationship. I'm looking for a women that lives in the moment and enjoys new adventures.

Meet single man from Tucson, United States. Hi, Young looking 70 year old man, (so I have been told) would like to meet a lady that tries to stay in shape. Work out 2 or 3 times a week and walk a couple of times. Likes to eat out a couple of times a week, and enjoy each others company. Loves to sight see in this very nice southern Az. I am a Christan and conserative.

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. I am a transplant from northern Indiana, I have a son that lives in tucson and a daughter that lives in lincoln AL. my son is 44 yrs. old and my daughter is 24 yrs old differant mothers been married twice both mothers live in In. I have women that are int. in me and would like to contact them, but I do not answer because of health condi. but I just got an up grade ( on my defibrillator) I fell real good now, in 3/3/2003 I drove my self to hospital I had a massive heart attack they told my family I had 2 hours to live,I was on ventilater for 10 days and then they told my family they could not guratee I would survive a triple by-pass ,if you understad we might hook up if you have a I am ok if you have medical conition, ew have a short time here on earth as it is I was a cruzer back in the 50s when we left we said LATER GATOR I just have to walk more to exercise, ladys I am sorry but I am not looking for any women that is bigger than I ,I am 571/2 and 145 lbs.I am thinking of moving to baytown Tx I have borther that lives there, I am also on face book

Meet a man from Tucson, United States. My friends would probably describe me as an "Old School" conservative that believes in everyone pursuing their American dream. Also someone who has a sense of humor and doesn't take himself too seriusly.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I was hard working and a personable man. I am a Marine that still meets my men that I was with many years ago. We enjoy ourselves. I would like a lady to enjoy herself at these functions. I like to travel and I am outgoing and do a little joking. I like lazy evenings and like to watch tv with someone.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I am hispanic - native/american(apache)I like camping/fishing the outdoors I like bike riding I also enjoy bowling,I like diningout on sundays in a differant town every week,I like western history and Indian history.I am new to this I don`t write or type very fast,it has been a long time since I have been in school in my line of work I don`t write or type,so I am doing the best I can,I like some one who is slim/slender just like me and not taller then 5-7, I am attracted to blond hair, but it is not a must I would like to communicate with some one who likes to take road trips now and then, and does not want to go on a trip over seas and has similar intrest that I do ,we can go from there maybe we will just be friends but that`s alright to,I read a lot I visit the library all the time,I take out 9-10 books at a timesomeone who is easy going and has a pleasant personality(like me) and does not hold a grudge,some one who gets along with other people and has a good time where ever she is, some one who is willing to try some thing new, some one who would be with me when we go out and not with everybody else and I would be the same,I have allways been a one women man,Idon`t have stray eyes,she would like the outdoors wild animals traveling and maybe a bike ride in the park,or bowling a few games, someone who would enjoy my campany as I would hers, some one who likes to read, go for a sunday drive maybe a short road trip or a long trip , I do not want spend monry in contrys that hate us so no over sea`s trip for me

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. who or what makes describe you! what are you grateful for what type of person are you hoping to attract what are you looking for in a relationship what are the things in life you're most passionate about

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. At this point in my life, I believe a passion for active and healthy living, fun and a joy for what life offers are key ingredients of a quality relationship.
Good communication skills, trust, respect, honesty and integrity are essential. I believe the desire to be each other's best friend is also foundational to a relationship that will be filled with love.
Related to those beliefs, I am seeking someone who enjoys some of the following activities. Listening to music, dancing, dining out, entertaining, cooking for each other and together, attending movies and plays, going to street fairs, farmers markets, home shows, watching sporting events, walking, hiking, weekend getaways. and traveling.
I am also open to experience new activities. Learning new things and enjoying new activities is exciting to me.
I have a large family that is very important to me, so enjoying family activities is expected. I will happily share my family activities and I would expect to share yours as well. I have earned several awards and widespread recognition for my professional achievements but my wonderful family is my greatest achievement.
Finally, personal chemistry will play an important part. Mutual attractiveness that results from chemistry is fundamental to an exciting and loving relationship. I am very affectionate and romantic. I enjoy doing things to show my partner how much I appreciate her.
Thanks for reading my profile. I would love to hear from you. Sorry the pictures are not that great. I need someone to take more photos. The photos are all very recent.