Date men from United States / Arizona / Sun City, 71 year old

Date a man from Sun City, United States. I am an honest and caring person. I was a full time caregiver for my wife with Alzheimers for almost 10 years, haveing to give up everything that I enjoyed doing. I would like to enjoy life again. I am a avid sports fan, like travel in my motor home,enjoy reading, movies, and a glass of wine in the evening. I would like to find an honest and caring person with a sense of humor that has similar tastes as mine

Meet someone special from Sun City, United States. Tall slender touchy feely type; love humorous bantering to cuddling. Enjoy bikes and boats with motors. All types of music, theater and stage plays.. Laying quietly together to talk. Looking for someone who shares; mostly receiver. You will be sensuous, with a great smile, set off by short hair (#1 fetish). Will like closeness, touching and lots of affection. Will like to tease her mate.....act on impulses. A long term playmate.

Date a soulmate from Sun City, United States. I'm physically and emotionally active and fit. Been blessed w/"good genes" I guess. Friends say I look and act much younger. I'm just not sure that's a compliment! LOL!! I'm very attuned to touch whether it's; hugging, holding hands or massage . Long romantic walks or just relaxing & enjoying the "present" are great. Love to laugh, even at myself. Enjoy all kinds of music and sports, both participating and observing. I still enjoy experiencing new things. And yes, "I enjoy being in a tux as well as jeans"! I'm looking for someone who's happy w/ themselves. Who enjoys,living in the moment. Who likes; honesty, being open and sharing. I enjoy regular, high quality, abstract, conceptual conversation. Someone who has a good sense of humor. Who's ready to find out what life has to offer. I guess I am just a "hopeless romantic" and ya know(?), I like it that way!

Meet single man from Sun City, United States. I am sincere love to dance and enjoy good company. I like classic movies, hiking and social gatherings and the company of my friends. I would like to travel more around the US and Europe.
I am grateful for my health,children and this free country we live in. I am a retired airman of 20 years service. I would like someone who enjoys the outdoors and likes to dance. I really do not want a couch potato. Someone to date be with who has common interests.
Life is all to short and we need to have some good times and friendship. To not be to competive, critical or meek. A doer and someone to share a happy life with. I love good comedy and do not want someone who needs a drink all the time. Moderation in all things is the way to go . To be sincere, praising and can laugh at herself.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. An experenced mature adult, with personality and charm. Likes golf, travel, movies, etc. Only a face to face meeting, ntelligent conversation and truefulness will generate an interest and chemistry. The rest is BS and at this age one knows how to hide their skelatons in the closet.
Enough said.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Conversation and Honesty are Extremely important to me. Just be yourself, and we will get along well. I will demand nothing from you, adn would expect you to accept me for who I am without trying to rebuild me. I am a spontaneous person, and I hope you are also. Liff is Good, so why not live it to the fullest.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I enjoy people and am faithful to friends.
I love helping people and work with Charities
that help people with problems.
I like dressing up for different functions ie. Dinner
or partys. I like spending time with family.
I love to travel and meet people.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I am an honest, easygoing, loving, caring individual who enjoys the simple pleasures of life. I'm looking for someone who is easy to please and slow to anger. Someone fairly active, who works at staying healthy. Honesty and sense of humor is important. I believe good relationships are based on 50/50 partnership. I know how to treat a lady and expect to be treated in kind.
I am currently into bowling. Friendly competion and socializing, and you can enjoy it year round. I've met a lot of nice people, and made good friends along the way. I'm finding senior leagues to be whole lot different than what I was used to. More relaxed and no drunks.

Date a man from United States. I love life and I act much younger than my age. By the way I'm 60 something young, 5'10", and wt. is 175 lbs. My friends describe me as entertaining, somewhat funny (love funny stories)and easy to get along with. I use to work in retail furniture, as part of the management and sales for 27 years. I love most every kind of music, rock, country, jazz, semi-classical and I'm really fond of Andrea Bocelli, which I stumbled on to a couple of years ago. I like walking on the beach, movies, dining out (love P.F Changs). I'm a decent snow skier, play racquetball and enjoy most sports. I've even done some in-line skating of course I busted my butt a few times, but still had fun. The initial date is always a chess game,so keep it simple but after that a good evening for me would be dinner and a movie or go dancing or just take a walk on the beach. Looking for someone lighthearted, funny, likes a little T.V., reading or going to a play or concert. I enjoy touching, hugging, kissing and a spontaneous and sensual lover whether its at home on the beach or wherever. If your somebody special I want the world to know my feelings. I think I'm a passionate person and enjoy the entiment relations anytime. My idea match would be someone who could put up with me, as I have been divorced many years and in some ways have become a person whose daily lifestyle has become to routine. I'm very spontaneous, I like to send flowers to that person that would enjoy them. Hopefully she is a good cook, entertainer and someone who would try to spoil me.