Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 36 year old - page 8

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. somebody who like to have fun in life. enjoy and have a good time. some one who like to be fit or try's every now and again. live and eat healthy is what im doing. no presher on anybody els. it's my thing

Meet single man from Tucson, United States. I honestly believe that I have a great sense of humor and like raunchy comedies. I like to cook when given the chance, grilling is one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy a wide variety of activities such as golfing, going to movies, hanging out at home, video games, etc. I guess you could say I'm an average Joe who's pretty laid back but can be spontanious and unpredictable.

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. I am a very easy goin guy, but im not a pushover. I enjoy intelligent conversation and dumb jokes. I am playful, and only serious when the situation calls for it. I enjoy new experiences and am very comfortable with revisiting old ones. I value friends and family most. The people I let close to me are very important in my life.

Meet a man from Tucson, United States. The German Shorthair Pointer (GSP), or Kurzhaar, (German for Shorthair), and Deutsch Kurzhaar (DK) as they are known in Europe, were bred specifically for hunting in the nineteenth century. In Germany, before the 18th century, hunting with guns was reserved for the aristocracy; however, when it was made available to the middle class the need was created for a dog more individually suited for a single family environment, as opposed to keeping a large kennel for hunting parties. The GSP proved to be the ideal gundog to suit a family, hunting for food, due to their versatility and skill pointing, tracking, and retrieving. Like many pure bred dogs from Europe, there is some dispute as to which dogs were mixed to give us our current day GSP; however, there is evidence that points towards several prominent hunting dogs of the period. Today the German Shorthair Pointer is the still an excellent working dog that shares a place in many homes as family pets.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am the funny guy at the party. I am grateful for life and my family. I am over the club scene and would rather be with friends at cookouts, sport gatherings, family get togethers. I am most passsionate for raising my child and providing a stable life for her. I am into comedies that make me laugh(which is hard to do).

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Im very good friend to the right kind of people. Im good listener, so my kind of job demands my atenttion to others in need. I think we are on this Earth for a good reason and is our goal to find out in what are we better at doing. So dont force yourself to be something you are not. Honesty is a great quality and is harder to find real sincere people now days, since society and the media is always asking for people to simply be something we are not. So to be a real free human being; find your true self and do the best you can to be happy with what life brings you every day

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. open minded fun woman attractive helps healthy outdoors woman takes care of people religious takes care of family no matter what and active every day plus chills any where makes best of everything no matter what looks at each day as a blessing and greatfull for small things.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I'm looking for someone who is fun and adventurous. Someone who doesn't take life too seriously, but still has goals and ambitions. Must like to travel and be spontanious. A good sense of humor is also important.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am unique, nobody is like me, they broke the mold when I was born. I am unique, nobody is like me, they broke the mold when I was born. I am unique, nobody is like me, they broke the mold when I was born.

Meet single man from United States. For starters I hate talking about myself. I guess I can say my child is my world, I hear that a lot on here yet if that was the case there wouldnt be so many messed up children running around.
Im not the type of person to go hang out in the bars or clubs.
In short Im looking for a sweet woman that is honest, caring, and understands that my child comes first.

Date someone special from United States. Wow, its very hard to talk about me. Who am I? I am a 35 year old divorced guy that loves his dog but is getting tired of her being his only company. I work in Real Estate and work often, I am very goal oriented and focused on accomplishing those goals. I would like to meet somebody that will enrichen my life while hopefully I can do the same for her. I am a very loyal and dedicated person, I feel that trust is mandatory and that jealousy is over rated. I have no problem at all with my time or your time as long as there is always our time. I would like to find somebody to ad to my circle of friends while i am added to hers. I enjoy golf, baseball, football and pretty much any sport. My main hobby/obsession is aviation. I am currently very close to obtaining my pilots license and if I could would spend every day at the airport.
I have a son that does not live with me and love children. I am very close to my family and dedicated to those that are close to me. I am not looking for some meaningless fling or for the general hook up, if your that person please save your time and mine. The ultimate goal here is meeting somebody with common interests and not so common interests creating new experiences for both of us. I am not running to the chapel but I am not afraid of it either. I feel that I have a great sense of humor and I love to laugh at both myself and the environment I am in. Sharing a bottle of wine over dinner or spending the evening at a resturaunt are lovely first dates, but I love staying in and cooking as well. I am not a big fan of large clubs as i find it frustrating to have to yell just to communicate.
I feel as though I am rambling at this point so I will end it here. If any of this sounds good to you please drop me a line. I am an open book with nothing to hide, honestly if you have a question no matter how personal please ask!

Meet a man from United States. I'm an outgoing guy. I love having laughs with friends and making people smile. I enjoy going to the movies or staying home and watching dvds. I believe in being there for family and friends. I believe in treating people the way you want to be treated. I like going to concerts. I do believe its not important what you are doing but who you are doing it with. I believe if the person i'm with is happy that makes me happy.