Date men from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 30 year old - page 2

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. About Me:
I grew up on a dairy farm in Maine and after high school went to college but had no idea what I wanted to do. After 3 years I decided I had wasted enough money partying and decided to take a year off. What was meant to be one year turned into a bunch and included a year working as a high school substitute teacher, 4 years in the Navy and another year working odd jobs in Sacramento before going back to junior college up there. I found my passion in social science and am hoping to find a job using that helping American cities become more environmentally friendly.
I've been told Im a great cook and am my harshest critic. I'd love to meet Bobby Flay on one of my trips to NYC. I travel east a couple times a year to see my family and love exploring new areas locally since I just moved here. I prefer being outside to inside, spending quality time together doesn't include one of us watching the other play video games but instead cooking dinner together then watching a game, our favorite shows or a movie on the couch with some wine.
I'm an open book, anything you'd want to know I'd be willing to share, except those ridiculous pictures of me with no shirt on in my bathroom mirror, I've never seen the point of that.
About You:
You are curious about the world around you. You can take a joke and are not easily offended. You believe that sarcasm is an important spice in the recipe of life. You are generally happy, know what you want out of life and are looking for that one to share it with. The rest is negotiable.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am very passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. I love working out daily and challenging myself. I enjoy eating a healthy balanced diet, but also enjoy some naughty foods every now and then! I enjoy hinking, South Mountain especially. I am a die hard sports fan, Suns, Cardinals, D-Backs, and ASU Sports. I love movies (I'm a HUGE American Psycho fan), listening and finding new music, concerts, and reading. I have recently joined a new church and am loving it.
My ideal match is someone who takes care of themselves and would love to workout together and eat healthy. I would love it if they were into sports and enjoy going to a game and have some knowledge of the teams, players ect., and isn't afraid to yell and get rowdy! I also like someone who enjoys going out occasionally and having dinner and drinks and enjoying each others company with funny and stimulating conversations, but isn't afraid to act goofy and joke around with each other and laugh at my lame jokes. On the flip side, someone who also is down to have a beer and chill at home to watch the game or snuggle up and watch a movie.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I just finished my MBA program at ASU tgis past May so I am ready to live a more normal lifestyle again. I am excited to have nights off and be able to join a league here and there. My career and success is important to me as well as finding someone to provide a balance away from all of that.
As I go through life I have discovered many things about myself and one thing I am definitely aware of is that I am into fit/active females. If you're fit, that's awesome OR if you want to live a more fit lifestyle, great... I just competed in the Tough Mudder and let me tell you...I am addicted! There is just something about a female who takes pride in her physical appearance that translates into her mental strength and who she is as a person. I would love to find find someone to push me (when I am lazy) and help me stick to a healthy diet (when I want to binge on See's Chocolate and too much MOJO).
I am a big time family guy.I love family, The little girl in my profile pic is my beautiful niece; gotta love her. Family is huge in my life and would like any female I meet on here to love her family as well. I have been told I am 1 of a kind, incredibly genuine and loyal, etc. I appreciate any compliment I get, but when I am asked...I just say "I am who I am and no-one else" If I am to meet that special someone on here,I want the opportunity to start a family, but I do not have any set expectations. I like to take each day as it is and live it up
I think its important to be true to myself and stick to my guns. I look for a female who is strong yet flexible. I love to have fun doing just about anything and look for that to be mirrored in my ideal match. Hopefully this site can allow me to focus and find her :)
Finding a female that can enjoy the same passions in life is key. Being active outdoors, playing and watching sports of all kind is huge :) I am definitely a sports fan and would love another fan to cheer with. Going out to a nice happy hour/dinner is always a plus while taking road trips (sometimes spontaneously) is one of my fave things to do. The most important thing about having a good time is not necessarily the place or event, but the person/people you are with. I am an A-type personality, but sometimes I like to just relax and kick back. I am looking for a fun female to go with the flow.
I'd love to chat via email or on this IM service....let me know:)

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Right now I'm just trying to fill in the requirements but I will get back to this later and add more text. 200 is not a small amount when you aren't trying to say anything at all. It's actually somewhat difficult.

Date a soulmate from Tempe, United States. I would describe myself as hilarious, loyal to a fault, and a super hard worker in everything I do. I'm ultra-competitive but I really try not to be obnoxious about it, I swear. I like being the host of parties, the guy who comes up with the plan but I'm always open to suggestions of course.
I'm grateful for my family, my friends and all of the privileges that I enjoy. I'm very passionate about health and fitness and I would like the person I'm with to share that passion.
But above all else, I'm looking for someone who is an effective communicator. I really don't like people who pick fights or shut down emotionally, it's a deal breaker for me.

Meet someone special from Tempe, United States. I am a little awkward at times but I have a good spirit. I love spending time on the Harley, at home with wine or a cold beer, camping, hiking. I'm not looking to play games and really don't have a lot of interest in the bar scene. I'm close to my family, especially love my niece and nephew.
Really just want someone who can be my best friend, to travel with and explore life together.

Date a man from Tempe, United States. I'm a firefighter who just moved to the Las Vegas area. I love the outdoors: hiking(I do a lot of that for my job), trail running, swimming, snowboarding ect. I also love to exercise. I was in the military for 7 years. Army and Coast Guard. I got valuable experience and made lifelong friendships. I am also kind of a nerd, I love to read. But I also enjoy TV and movies, mostly comedy.

Meet single man from Tempe, United States. I'm pretty sarcastic, pretty independent, I can be a nerd, and I'm extremely driven in my career. I'm an "outdoorsy" guy and am always looking for the next new place to explore. Maybe I'm just the rare blend of career serious and social goofball.
I have a great family back home in Minneapolis and we are very close. Even though I've been gone for 8 years I'm still a Minnesotan/Wisconsinite at heart. My career is pretty focused and definitely incredible. I'm a PhD student and instructor/prof type person at ASU and love what I do. I love to hike, run, bike and explore when I have free time. Traveling is also a huge part of my life. If I'm not going somewhere, I'm planning the next trip. And, I really enjoy playing music (piano/guitar/banjo) and watching most sports. A huge Minnesota Twins fan, Minnesota Wild fan, and Wisconsin Badgers fan.
My life philosophy - Someone once told me that all I have is memories because I've never invested into a lot of "stuff" and memories will fade in time... I couldn't disagree with that more. Those experiences are what make life what it is. I think if you understand that you'll probably understand me...and we'll get along very well.
What I'm looking for? Someone who can relax, sit back and take life as it comes. I have learned that I have no need for drama. No need for needy either. I guess I just mean I'd like to be with someone who is confident and happy in their own shoes. Just enjoy what's going on because life is too short to be consumed by unimportant priorities.

Date a soulmate from United States. Hi!
My name is Jon and I am on here to meet some friends and hopefully if something else develops than great :-). It is hard to meet someone these days, especially one with a good heart and drama free. Not sure that this is the way to do it but I will give it a shot! I am an easy going guy, I like to stay active and get out to do things otherwise I am going to get bored and fall asleep like a bum. I like to travel, part of my job consists of traveling and being away for a little bit. I work 6 weeks in Afghanistan and have 6 weeks off back at home :-). It's actually a really nice schedule, and no I am not in the military I just provide support over there as a civilian. So on my time off I enjoy spending it with loved ones, especially my family who is a huge part of my life, my black lab Flaps, and my friends. I love football season, really curious to see how the Cards are going to do this year with a new QB! I like to golf as much as possible these days, even in 110 degree temps! Anyways I think I am done talking about myself and I will leave some of this talk for when we hang out sometime :-). Don't want to let it all out at once! Hope to here from you and if not good luck to ya!
Update: I'm not on here to see how many dates I can get, nor am I looking for a one night stand. I realize their are a lot of players on here who ruin it for the rest of us. Side note: I have a good family, my parents raised me through trust and respect with good moral, I do not refer to women as (ma, shorty, etc.), I always will open the door for you or any lady for that matter, I don't understand why there are so many complaints about the douche bags on here lol.

Meet someone special from United States. Well here I am back on Match. I had some success here in the past (obviously not a lot of success, or I wouldn't be here, ha ha!), so I'm giving it another go.
I grew up in North Dakota and moved out here about 5 years ago after I finished college. I love it out here in the desert, with the exception of maybe June, July, and August, but that's what vacation is for :) I just need some someone awesome to take those vacations with! (Hint: you ;))
I'm a laid-back, jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. I definitely prefer bars over clubs, but with the right group of people it can be fun to get all dressed up and go out too. I'm pretty active and like to go out hiking, biking, and whatever else outdoors when it's cool. During the summer months I usually just stick to the gym.
I'm looking for someone that's adventurous, likes going out and having fun, stays active, and has a positive attitude. Bonus points if you like dorky sci-fi movies or trying out new microbrews!

Date a man from United States. I love music. Jazz, funk, hip hop, classic rock. Its all great as far as I am concerned. I have been collecting vinyl since high school, and I started DJing a few years back. Before I even began DJing, I helped develop and put on a musical festival that is happening for the 11th time this summer I like to have fun, I like to make people laugh, and I like to make people smile. I cannot brag to be always succeed at the latter two though, as I can at times come off a little uncouth and I find myself to be the only person laughing. I guess you could say I'm a little goofy and at times awkward.
I am originally from Minnesota, and moved down here to escape the frigid winters. I have been here a little over 6 years. I am still a die-hard Vikings and Twins fan and recently got back on the Timberwolves band wagon. I like the Suns, Cardinals and Diamondbacks too. Not much into hockey, although being from Minnesota I don't mind watching it.
I enjoy watching movies, whether it be going to the theater or at home. I try to watch every movie nominated for Academy Awards, so my Netflix queue is always very long. I drive a lot for work, so I ride my bike as much as I can. I like to go hiking and try to take my dog with me as much as I can. I also enjoy thrifting. My friends and I have spent entire days hitting up thrift stores all around the valley.
I recently started a sales job in the natural products industry that takes me all over the state and New Mexico. It keeps me very busy a lot of the time, so I value my free time. I grew up in my fathers health food store in Minneapolis, so my job is more than just that. It is a way of life for me, so it would be nice to meet someone on here with a similar lifestyle. I am not a "health nut" by any means, but I don't go overboard on junk foods or highly processed garbage either.
I am no good at the pickup bar scene and I cannot stand crowed bars, so I decided to give this a try. I'm basically looking for someone who wants to have fun with me, and somebody I can hopefully connect with. If you like what you read, please send me a message or wink and lets meet!

Meet single man from United States. You have one life to live make the most of it!!
Life is an adventure and should be lived accordingly. I try to maximize my time and am a chronic goal setter. I love to play sports and stay active. A perfect day starts early with some excercise and a good breakfast. I believe in hard work, if life was easy it wouldnt be worth it.