Date women from United States / Arizona / Goodyear, 57 year old

Date someone special from Goodyear, United States. I am 57 and teach English at a rural high school. Those are my kids. New ones every year. They really keep me on my toes and drive me crazy at the same time. Working can be different everyday and yet over all these years very mundane
Looking for the perfect friend first. Some one is who respectful, loyal and caring for all; people and animals.

Meet a soulmate from Goodyear, United States. I'm very independent but would liek a man that can read when I;m overwhelmed and who can offer to help without being asked.
Anyone that treat others as they wish to be treated makes me smile.
I would like a man that loves children and animals. My social life is non-existent.
I would like to meet someone that likes to take road trips, is into nature, likes to shop for art or unusual items, has good taste in cars and whose diet does not include fast food
I love using aromatherapy and music to relax and enjoy the sunsets. no sports fanatics

Date a woman from Goodyear, United States. I am fun loving, generally light hearted and fun to be with. I value intelligence and strive to be interested in others and interesting to talk to. I am outgoing and try to stay in the present moment, open minded and non-judgmental. You may never find a better or more loyal friend.
Professionally, I work with kids 12-18 years old so I definitely have drain bamage er uh brain damage. Working with kids has taught me that in all situations, circumstances and venues...I'd rather be playing! I take my work very seriously and 33.3% of the time am hysterically funny. My work has sort of forced me to deal with my own baggage, so I’m emotionally stable and not "up tight" My friends describe me as genuine and “authentic” At this age we all have a story but it’s nice to have developed a strong sense of self with a strong libido and confidence enough to say I am sexy, sensual and love men. I love being this age: Low maintainance & high miles. The passion hasn't died, just some of the insecure crazyness has gone away! I never thought I had a very soft, nurturing disposition but I seem to have grown up and acquired one! I'm a straight shooter (literally and figuratively) so loud noises don't unhinge me. On the down side, I am a terrible speller and no good at jigsaw puzzles. So how did I get through grad school? Texas Instruments Pocket Speller! Technology doesn't frighten me (anymore).
As far as what I’m looking for in a man… I am looking for a great dinner date, great conversation, quick wit, an intellectual equal, spontinaity is important and having an easy atmosphere in which to just relax and have fun! A guy that loves Sunday drives and to go exploring who isn’t afraid to break out singing in the car! My family is a huge part of my life and the reality is that to be comfortable, my mate will need like to play games and cards, love sushi and willing and able to tolerate a herd of grandkids. I need to know that I am �heard’ and my feelings are validated, so emotional stability and kindness are a must. Common courtesy and compassion go a long way!
Although my legs are great, I'm not going to wow you with my beauty, but I can clean up pretty nice. Yes, I have cowboy boots AND high heels.
I'm currently in Washington but will be moving to AZ in May. Want to start talking? I'd love to have at least one friend in AZ before I get there!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a fun loving person who enjoys helping others. Family is very important, we have to remember that our grandchildren are our future. I am looking for someone to grow old with and enjoy the golden years with. Someone to share the hopes, strength and joys of life with. I love to do interesting things and go to interesting places. Life to short not to enjoy it. I am a very upbeat person and try to convey that with everyone I encounter. I would love to meet someone with a great personalilty and who is outgoing. I love to do romantic things. Are you willing to show me that side of you?

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Leaping cats, notes from kids, beautiful sunsets, relaxing into music or a new luscious food, biking downhill after a LONG climb up, swinging in the arms of a dancer and meeting a friend will all draw a smile from way down deep. Looking for a companion to get out and see this beautiful world with--from the desert flowers and lizards to the faroff mountains, from the far off isles of the world to the cultural treasures and neighbors in our nieghborhoods. Seeking an individual who balances family, self, and community keeping a place for fun in all of them.