Date women from United States / Arizona / Rimrock, 38 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a down to earth person with lots to offer. I am looking for someone to have fun with and who looks at life in an optimistic and drama free way. I love to laugh and enjoy activities of all kinds. I am an independant redhead who is not needy or jealous. I have become very frustrated with dating and am ready to try something new.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Not seriously expecting much via an online service, but figure filling out this questionnaire can't really hurt my chances of running across some uber cool manly guy that's laid back, goofy, very fit/able, athletic, super self-assured, single, independent, intense, rugged, healthy, funny, self-reliant, competitive, fun, adventurous, mellow, strong, etc. Though not required, would prefer a guy w/some military background, overseas travel and "roughing it" outdoors. Must love the outdoors, and have at least some interest in mountain biking, hiking, etc.
Sound picky? Yeah, I guess I am. Life's good, why settle?!