Date women from United States / Arizona / Coolidge, 38 year old

Date someone special from Coolidge, United States. My story.. well I'm a Vermont Native, I've been here for 14 years. I love to travel and explore new things usually with my dog Charlie and my Camera in tow. I love spending time with friends and family whenever I can, whether it's hanging out at home or out at a movie or an event. I'm a caring compassionate person, I think I am both quiet and outgoing just depends on the situation. I'm looking for someone I can be myself around, who's down to earth with a sense of humor, who is up for a road trip or just hanging out at home. Stability and security is very important, I believe a relationship is a partnership with both people in participation. hmm what else... well i guess that's good for now... want to know more send me a message! :)