Date women from United States / Arizona / Flagstaff, 38 year old

Date a woman from United States. I'm a fun, outgoing, social butterfly, looking for someone to have fun with and play with! Life is short, so my motto is: Live each day to the fullest and without regret! My perfect match would respect me, not be threatened by me, make me laugh everyday and would love to spend quality time together. He would be my lover and best friend. I LOVE to smile and have been told it's my best asset. Someone who makes me smile everyday is a MUST ;~)
I've worked hard to become the Woman I am and am looking for a Man to Compliment me, not Compete with me! I'm a workaholic and am rather independent and like a Man who enjoys his life and time to himself as well as quality time with me. While I like a Man to open doors for me, it is often a challenge to accept... If you are sincere, loving, respectful and follow through with your word, then send me a wink or email. If you have drama in your life, or don't know how to treat a woman, then please don't apply for this job! ;~) While BOYS may be fun, I'm here to find a Match (isn't that why we're all here?)
I love the outdors, and sports! I'm a HUGE dbacks and Cardinals fan and enjoy heading to, or watching the games. Yes, I 'yell' at my TV on many occassions! My favorite activity is paddling... kayaking Lake Powell, Blue Ridge or any water-way is a wonderful way to spend a weekend! While I enjoy many solo-trips, paddling with a friend is fun too!
My Faith is probably the most important thing to Me... And it is important that my Partner also has Faith.
Oh, and he must love dogs (at least mine, that is!)

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for a healthy relationship, with lots of compassion, respect,
someone who gives me the butterflies, someone who makes me laugh a lot. who is a good person and fun to be around. someone to do things with and go places with. to generally have a really good time and enjoy eachother.