Date men from United States / Arizona / Mesa, 35 year old

Date someone special from United States. My sense of humor sometimes doesn't have an off button (you've been warned). The upside is that I'm laughing 80% of the time...
Goals?...Yeah, sure, but somehow getting on wasn't on the list
I'm no prince and you don't have to be anyone but yourself :)

Meet single man from United States. Im looking for a friend first off. Unfortunately I suck at dating, and it seems if I approach it like Im trying to make a friend it seems to work better for me. Im a fun loving guy who wants to go out and have fun. I have to really work on curbing my serious side, but I can be pretty goofy. My ideal girlfriend would be willing to accept me for who I am, but is also willing to listen to me, give me advice, and generally just try to be on the same team so to speak.

Date a man from United States. I guess i can tell you about me and then you can understand who i an looking for based on that. I have 3 wonderful boys that i love more than life itself. I am very successful in my career and have worker very hard to get where i am and love my job. I am a very dedicated and faithful person, extremely loyal.......probably to a fault. I love quiet nights at home but also enjoy evenings out to dinner or whatever sounds like fun. I don't like to sit around and watch tv (I don't hate it) although i do like to relax after work every once and a while in front of a good show or movie, love movies. Cycling is a passion of mine and i spend a great deal of time riding bikes to stay fit. i have to say............i call BS when i see every female profile that says they love sports.......c'mon.....with that said......i do like to shop. i can shop every weekend. i love to shop more than the fake sports lovers!!! lol BTW....i don't sit and watch any sports except for the tour de france on fast forward in July.....and that just ended. Not a hater, just not a lover.

Meet a soulmate from United States. My idea of fun is to end up way over my head in some exotic place I’ve never been with just a phrasebook and some local currency. When on the wild streets of a place like Shanghai or Lima, it’s always fascinating to stop and talk to the locals only to realize that at our core, people everywhere are pretty much the same in essence and motivation.
Not to go all John Denver on you, but waking up after a night of camping in the cool, crisp mountain air definitely makes me feel alive. There are plenty of great places in AZ to break out the 4-wheel drive.
I’m blessed to be able to make a difference through my work. I work in a high-profile political office. I got into this line of work because it has meaning to me. I can’t think of many other jobs where almost every decision you make can benefit the lives of thousands of people.
I have pretty eclectic tastes in everything. My Dad is a college professor more at home in the city and my Mom is a country girl daughter of a cowboy, it's a pretty amazing mix! I’m proud of my versatility.
I live in a historic neighborhood near downtown Phoenix. I like the vibe down here. When the weather cools, there’s nothing I like better than taking a quick bike ride with a friend on our beach cruisers to a little neighborhood cafe to grab a weekend brunch. Maybe that friend could be you?

Date someone special from Mesa, United States. Well I'm a single father of 2 boys, full-time Junior at ASU Poly campus majoring in Education, and work 2 part time jobs to pay for shiny new toys for me and the kids.
I do not have a lot of free time, but when I do, I enjoy reading books with no educational value (Koontz novels mostly), clever TV shows and movies (most contain a main character who is a bigger smartass than I am), swimming (more like wading for a while and then laying out listening to music), bowling (literally, not code for club 420 members), playing in the rain (the 6 days a year when it pours), and lastly if I can find the time...sleep.
There are many personality characteristics I am looking for in a woman and I'll get the trite B.S. out of the way, funny, attractive, honest, motivated, confident, understanding, compassionate, and nice (sad that I have to include this, but based on my past relationships it will be a mandatory prerequisite for all future prospects).
Now for the not-so-cliche qualities I am hoping exist in a single person: A woman who actually listens when I express my feelings, a woman who can admit when she's wrong, a woman who can love who I am and not who I could be, a woman that no matter her age, can play like a child, a woman that can laugh at herself, and a woman that can make me laugh with her wit, and not at her ignorance, arrogance, or her clumsiness, and lastly...someone who can relax in my arms and be content just being together without always needing to fill the silence with conversation.
The perfect first date for me would be me, you, 2 cups of coffee, an empty park bench near some swings, visible stars, and plenty of time for conversation and swinging.

Meet single man from Mesa, United States. I am truly grateful for where I am today. It has been a long, joyful and sometimes difficult road. I realize now that I have a much better understanding of my own philosophy and how that helps guide me in the decisions that I make. I am a patient father of two beautiful girls that take my priority. I will enjoy someone who can make me laugh, but also challenge my thoughts. I want a partner that knows why I deserve her and at the same time, I know why she deserves me. I enjoy spontaneity, while also, on occasion having structure. I would prefer someone who has already discovered herself, is not afraid to discuss anything openly and be willing to communicate through a difficult challenge.
I believe I can find love again, just need all the right ingredients...and maybe a bowl.

Date a man from Mesa, United States. My ideal match would have to have a kind loving soul. Like sports and the outdoors. Be down to earth and not so into herself that it gets in the way of our relationship. I would like someone who wants a child or children. Im confident in who I am and what I want. I consider myself to be old fashion and am a country boy at heart! I believe chivalry is not dead and always treat the lady im with the way she deserves to be treated! If you have read my profile you obviously see that im divorsed and have been for 9 years, so it's not something that recently happened. I have had time to mature and find myself. I feel I am a stronger person now. I do not have any children but would love to when I meet the right person. I chose to try the online dating thing because im over the bar scene, although I do enjoy going out from time to time. I like to go out dancing and spend one on one time with my date. Eventhough its been awhile, lol. I am comfortable staying in, cuddling up and watching movies together as well as taking you out for a night on the town. I consider myself to be easy going but when work needs to be done, i'm there. I'm originally from Houston, TX but have lived in AZ FOR 24 years now. This place has changed soo much as the people here have also, I dont know if thats a good or bad but in life i've learned to take the good with the bad. I hope this doesnt come across the wrong way but I feel I'm a hopeless romantic. I know it sound cheesey but i'm honest, straight forward and tell it like it is. I have a soft side to me and open up once im comfortable with you. I know there's more to tell but at the moment im drawing a blank. I sure I will come up with more later.

Meet a soulmate from Mesa, United States. Me . . . . eehhhh? Well, I've been accused of being a bit of a paradox. I make my living in three piece suits arguing about things like eminent domain, repudiation, and jurisdictional bars based on the failure to exhaust administrative remedies . . . and if you're still awake after reading that, color me impressed, because I have a tough time staying awake sometimes! The catch is, as you may have surmized from my photos, I don't exactly fit the . . . shall we say . . . profile.
My passions are quite divergent from my trade. In my spare time I restore old cars, surf, snowboard, and have been known to spend more than a little bit of time in the tattoo parlor. That said, I do enjoy the theater, a glass of wine, touring art galleries and museums. I gravitate towards things that are durable and original. So not a huge contemporary movie fan because, seriously, didn't we all just learn Spiderman's origin story like six years ago, do we really need another movie to lay that out again? Old movies is a different story, Rebel Without a Cause, The Quiet Man and anything from Hitchcock always turn me into a couch potato.
Let's see, fairly handy with the pots and pans, although the grill would be my weapon of choice. Not a big sports fan, I know enough about sports to carry on a conversation, but could care less who is playing who in what bowl or championship and would prefer to spend my Sundays crawling the boulevard in one of my kustoms travelling to, or from, some car show or hole in the wall bar, Tiger Army on the radio. Prefer small groups, and intimate settings, to crowds and noise, and you absolutely, positively will not find me anywhere (besides a Social Distortion show) where I am 2 inches from the people that I am with and can't hear a word they are saying . . . so yeah . . . won't find me at "the club." Oh, and I don't have a Facebook page, I believe if you can't be troubled to actually interact with your "friends" by giving them, at the very least, a phone call to ask them how they are - you are not "friends." I check in with my friends, and family, by actually going to their respective homes and having an actual face-to-face conversation with them, more often than not, over an adult beverage.
For purposes of complete disclosure, I am a single Dad with primary parenting responsibility so that limits my "adult time" because my daughter is the most important thing in my life and I do not subject her to the instability attendant to dating.
As far as companionship . . . well right now, pleasant female company would be nice. Someone with ideas, thoughts, reasoned opinions and most importantly a sense of humor. Someone who is as relaxed, and comfortable, in a cocktail gown as she is in jeans and a t-shirt. Someone who is active and likes to do things outside, but at the same time is not so committed to physical fitness she refuses to hold up her end of a large pizza and a pitcher of beer, or bottle of wine.
So that's about it, if you aren't completely confused by now, drop me a line, and I will do my best to completely befuddle you.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. OK here we go, I am first off a loving and caring father of three AWESOME daughters. They will always be in my life and I have them everyother day. They will always be 1st in my thoughts and life and will not risk their happiness for anything or anyone.
Yes I am currently separated but that relationship is in the past and I am ready to move on and find someone that makes me happy, accepts me for me and I can share my time and expiriences with.
I have a very stable career (not just a job). I am the assistant manager over a policyholder service department for a nation wide life insurance company. I love working with people and have been with the company for 13 years now.
I am honest, LOYAL, and caring. I will go out of my way to help those I love and are close to.I am resourseful, i understand there is more than one way to accomplish any task. I was raised with family values and will never abandon them.I can completely take care of myself and do not need someone to cook , clean, do my laundry or shop for me. My daughters have a mother, so i am not looking for someone to take care of them. My match will need to eventually love them and accept them but will not be asked to play mommy.
I am not the perfect 6'0 beef cake that frequents the clubs. I like to dance but you probably don't want to see it in public :) I am just a 5'9, 150 lbs hard working,fun loving, tattooed man that is not perfect and is willing to admit that. (everyone needs to see their faults because we all have them.) When I go out I like to go to smaller bars where people can actually talk. Love to sing Karaoke , I can and will do it alone, it would just be better with a good woman by my side. Most nights I prefer to just hang out with friends or stay in an enjoy what my DVR recorded or grab a good flick and kick back.
I can and will be very sacrcastic and love to joke around,usually at the expense of my closest friends. I love hanging out with my kids and/or my lady and doing my best to take care of those I care for.
I am looking for a realistic, loving, LOYAL (an absolute must), and easy going woman. No one night stands, I need someone that loves kids. If you have kids of your own that would be awesome! they enrich our lives so much. I do not expect a "perfect woman" but mutual attraction is needed. I want a partner not a booty call.
I love music, movies, stupid comedies, philly cheese steaks, laughing and joking with friends and family, cuddling up with someone special & hanging with my daughters.
So there you have it, I am an open book and have nothing to hide so if I left anything out that you would like to know just send me a message. I WILL respond. If you are truely looking for a good man here I am let's see if we can mesh.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I'm a easy going guy who loves to have fun in many different ways. Let me know in what ways you like to have fun and let's see if we match up? Can't wait;) hit me up and let's see what sparks fly when we meet!

Date a man from Arizona, United States. Three things are part of every day for me: the gym, coffee, and adventure. Of course, going to work is part of my day, too, but that is a given. In my job, I have to set a somewhat serious tone during the day, but I can be so tenaciously funny and a bit of a goof-ball when the situation warrants it. I thrive on absolute spontaneity and would drop everything to go skydiving or on a treasure hunt. In addition to my work at the bank, I tend bar from time to time, just to mix it up a bit. It is a great way to meet people and learn about some interesting topics that might not present themselves within a bank setting. The gym is like a second home to me. Fitness ranks quite high on my list of priorities and personal self-care. Bearing that in mind, I do like a woman who is physically active and enjoys sports. If she can appreciate my humor, that is money in the bank! Confidence is definitely a turn-on. If she can readily change a flat tire or kick it in gear with a stick shift, she is my kind of woman. My cerebral side appreciates a gal who keeps up with current events and actually knows what is happening in the world around her. Finally, I do speak Russian and am interested in Russian literature.
'za druzhbu!'

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Ok, this is the hardest part, how do let someone know who you are in a sentence? How do you stand out from literally THOUSANDS of guys? I' looking for someone who loves what they do, is passionate about their hobbies, affectionate, loves a good joke, loves the smell of fresh baked bread, can't help but to smile at little children, loves loud rock n roll, isn't mean to severs in resturaunts, loves all living creatures, (but hates spiders!) down to earth, loyal, knows the value of good karma, silly, honest, girly,willing to teach, willing to learn, doesn't mind tattoos, likes cartoons, guitars, loves movies, is family oreinted, and what else can I say? A team player, because after all it's you and me against the world!
So if you like concerts, travel, cozy nights at home, dancing, holding hands in broad daylight, state fairs, and slow kisses, then I might be the guy for you.