Date men from United States / Arizona / Apache Junction, 35 year old

Date someone special from Apache Junction, United States. Im a 34 year old man with 3 daughters I'm completely addicted to, im on the tail end of divorce that's been a loooong time coming. I own my own house and my a home improvement/repair business. I go 110 miles an hour and give a 110 percent of myself in everything I do. I don't like sportsmuch, I don't watch them on tv, most women find that my best quality.:) i love to tinker in garage, camping, fishing and pretty much all things outdoors. Looking for someone to make my hea thump, and see me for the person i am not what i could be changed into. Would like to find that person that i can laugh with and after first day seems like weve known each other forever. One word describes what im lookimg for. . .Effertless.

Meet a man from Apache Junction, United States. I need someone who's wants me for me ,someone I can cherish and love forever! I'm just ready to be happy and live life like it was intended,are you down for that ? Lol .if so let's roll we got alot of time to make up for !

Date a soulmate from Apache Junction, United States. I am new to the Southwest and have never lived in the Southern part of the country. I love what life has given me and what it continues to show me each and every day. I am open to all new things, but keep appreciation for what I have already been given. Family is huge for me and is a must for the person I meet.
Originally from Chicago, I am in love with big cities and all the culture they contain in the streets. At the same time though I am a mountain man and find complete serenity in nature. I moved to Oregon in 2001 to study winemaking and found the passion my life was intended for.
I am looking to meet new people and I am very outgoing. People probably would say that I am a "hugger", energetic, funny, witty, driven, modest. I would like to find someone that has similar qualities.
If this sounds interesting to you then contact me and we can see where the ride takes us. If not, I wish all out there luck and happiness in their individual pursuits.
Don't ever stop living and laughing. It will forever keep you young.

Meet single man from Apache Junction, United States. I am obviously me. I'm quick-witted with a dry sense of humor. If I didn't grow up playing sports everyday, I'd probably be a nerd. I've played baseball in 123 degree heat and have ridden my motorcycle when it was 20. I've slept on Colorado Blvd twice for a good spot to see the Rose Bowl Parade. I played college basketball at S.C.C. I once spent the night on top of Superstition mountain. I have danced in the rain, rock-jumped at Saguaro lake, almost got a ticket for going 145, seen the sunrise and set in 9 countries, rode 3 hours for a Wendy's frosty...this should give you an idea of who I am. I've done a lot of things in this life and will do plenty more. Having someone to share it all with is what I'm after.
I'm currently an Air Traffic Controller in the Navy stationed in Japan, and have been in for close to 8 years. I travel for a living and move every 3-5 years. Military life is not easy, so you must be a strong woman. My cost of admission to the countries I visit is not paid with money, but with time. Time away from friends. Time away from family and loved ones. Time away from you...?
I'm not including any blurbs about what I'm looking for. The right person will come out above all else. Feel free to email me if you're interested, have a Navy question, or for whatever. I'm an easy person to get along with. However, I must tell you that I'm a bit on the old-school side. If you're going to email me, please don't act like it's a text message. Would it kill you to use correct spellings, punctuation and grammar?

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I have recently started to get back into health and fitness, and it means a lot to me. I like to go to the gym 3-4 days a week to fill satisfied. I like about everything in a relationship. I have my own house, car, and enough income to have fun and make sure my nieces are very happy. I am very interested in someone that is open minded and whats to be treated like a woman, (which means old school,midwest morals),and experience everything in life. I love kids and willing to do anything to make their lives complete. I am a firm believer that my friends are family and that I will never do anything that would ruin that friendship. I am into traveling to different states and possible countries. I am looking for someone that has the similar interests and are willing to have a good time.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I would consider myself to be somewhat shy at first. A lot of the people that I have meet have approached me, not the other way around. Once I get to know someone, I open myself up and am willing to try just about anything. I like sports (watching them on TV or going to a live event every once in a while), amusement parks, and traveling. Looking for someone with some similar interests and personalities. Hopefully not a perfect match, but someone that would keep me on my toes, interesting and funny, willing to try things at least once, but also someone who enjoys just staying at home and being next to one another. My match would be someone with similar interests and personalities. Would hopefully be willing to try things once, but also willing to just stay at home and be next to one another through the night.