Date men from United States / Arizona / Colorado City, 35 year old

Date a man from United States. I am looking for someone who wants more than a one night stand. Someone interested in the same things as i am, and loves people and goodness. I appriciate people who think of others and have a good relationship with their family. Family is very important to me. Of course i am looking for the same thing everyone else is. Someone who is a good person and treats people respectfully.

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for a Buitiful , confident, loving, fun and loyal Women. Someone that is independent, but that may need to lean on me from time to time. I love to help and fill needed. That loves children and the out doors . Is not scared of getting dirty. That wants to do something different in there life.

Date a soulmate from United States. My name is Ivan and I'm trying to meet some good people to hang out with. I work in the entertainment field and make a decent living at it. I have lived in CA for 3 years and now back in Colorado until I think of somewhere else to play. I enjoy a wide variety of activities outdoors, also enjoy kickin' it around the house relaxing or whatever. I want to meet someone to hang out with and have dinner with and maybe take dancing.(I'm not very good at it but I try)(sometimes). Someone to have an enjoyable conversation with, maybe a couple of drinks. Someone sincere. Someone who wants to be with me for who I am and not for what they can get out of me. I want to find love again.
Too many people are here for the wrong reasons. They seem to be too picky, or selfish, or just full of it. So yeah, I'm a little cautious, as we all should be, but you know, sometimes we just have to take a chance. If you don't, you are never going to actually meet anyone, You're just going to keep browsing and winking at people, exchange a few emails until you nitpick yourself out of meeting that great guy for that cup o' coffee or drink at the Outback...and that's it...that's all that is going to happen for you. My point is let's be serious about this, I don't want to be looking around here forever, I'm 32 years old now. I still have some great times ahead of me, they could possibly include you... but I'm not getting any younger, and I am not exactly the "perfect" man, but I keep it real. I'm not a bum...I don't give a care about what you have...I have my own things. I get the things I want. I have a good job that pays what I think is well. I even enjoy sharing what I have with others. I give to the homeless, even if they do spend it on beer, I don't care, someone once told me that there was a sandwich in every can.
If there is a little distance between us, you know that we are grown and can work that out too, I mean I can't exactly travel on a whim, but there are options. so how about it? Do you want to meet someone real or what? Or do you just need a pen pal? That's OK too if you do, I like to type and waste countless hours on the internet...but I'd rather meet you and not consider it a waste of time but to actually get out and do something interesting and possibly rewarding.
My name is Ivan and I'm trying to meet some good people to hang out with.