Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a big fan of honesty when it comes to relationships.Up front and cut to the chase in the beginning so that everyone knows where they stand.It cuts out a lot of confusion and miscommunication. It seems to me the predictor of all relationships is the charactor of the people involved.I tend to treat people how i would like to be treated.We must be able to communicate with each other effectively,there must be chemistry,a spark,something that drives us towards each other in a romantic way.When we respect and value our relationship,we nurture it and treat it well.It is not the fact that we have differences,it is how we handle our differences.People who knows themselves have far better odds of choosing a partner good for themselves,better odds of forming and building strong and enduring partnerships of all kinds,Love and otherwise.We enter into relationships for many different reasons and with many different expectations.Knowing this will help one to determine if this is the right relationship for each other.
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