Date a woman from Laveen, United States. OK Boys ! We all know what really makes this work is chemistry. The little things - like the way a person walks, the tilt of their head, the way the eyes light up when that special someone enters the room - so e-mail me and we'll see if that works for both of us.
Having said that here is the other stuff maybe you want to know. I'm young at heart with tons of energy, looking for someone to keep up with me. I'm told my smile lights up the room. I work out sometimes and watch my weight. I like great music and I listen to everything from George Straight and Reba to Michael Bubble and Josh Groban. I love to dance and have been taking Country Western lessons, but enjoy all types of dancing (gotta move). I'm not the one telling jokes at a party, but I am the one laughing. I must love movies and popcorn because I do it a lot. I'm most happy when I’m working in my yard or playing with my grandchildren. I’m independent – have a great job, beautiful home and nice car – so all I need from you is companionship. Those cruises aren’t that much fun by yourself.
My idea of a great date is when both of us are so comfortable that we don't want to part and weРІР‚в„ўre still talking when the sun comes up. I will enjoy a variety of activities on our dates; sports (watching or doing), dining (at a restaurant or at home), movies (at the theater or in front of your big screen or mine), dancing, outdoors, a trip to Bora Bora you name it.
What do I want in a date? A healthy male, walking and breathing!!! ? I could go into all that stuff about not wanting a guy I have to pick up after, or that is a control freak or an unemployed guy looking to find himself and the right job. But IРІР‚в„ўve read all your bios and youРІР‚в„ўre all perfect on paper. IРІР‚в„ўm not negative I know there is a perfect guy for me I just still need to meet him. So give me the chance to meet YOU!