Date men and women from Show Low, United States. I am a true outdoors woman who loves my family, nature and animals; I can honestly say that I was born with horse-on-the-brain. I have had several in my life and love to ride. For now, my constant companion is a very special dog. I also have a grand-dog.
I am social by nature, but also very domestic. I also love to fish. and (I do bait my own line and take the hook out of the fish because they're never that big. Ha Ha :) I'm not afraid of work or getting my hands dirty; I've never had a shortage of warm water and soap.
I believe to live a full life you need to share it with someone who shares back; thus having common interests is a Big Plus!!. I absolutely love to be in and around water. It is second nature to me. Perhaps I was a Mermaid in my first life :)
I would like to meet someone who is well rounded and not a control freak; who can enjoy simple or deep conversation about daily life, work and any issues that come up without being suspicious of every comment or move;.. a man who could have a totally open relationship, in other words, an honest man that's not afraid to share or bare his inner thoughts or feelings. (a man or woman is only as good as their word!) I'm not out to suffocate anyone though, nor do I want to be suffocated. Everyone needs their own space and time when they need it.
Although, I know a relationship does take giving , receiving and compromises, I'm not out to change anyone's basic loves or personality and expect the same in return. Again, common interests, loves, and honest communication, ( to me) are the basis of a relationship. A lot of people are so bull-headed that they can't step out of their own box to see another person's view. I do try to see or understand another person's point of view, and will reserve my own opinion so as never to degrade another person's beliefs.
My "Prince Charming" would have to be rugged, but kind, generous but smart, deep but open, and easy...; easy in the sense of: not demanding or narrow-minded and stubborn. It's time to relax a little, no more "Putting-On-The-Airs" or game playing. I just want to be happy with the one I'm with and vice versa, AND enjoy life with each other.
I love, love, love humor and can laugh at myself. I love to joke, love and laugh! Life is precious and way too short. I've been waiting a long, long time to meet the "Love-of-My Life" I hope you're still out there somewhere, but not over the Rainbow! :)
Meet a soulmate from Show Low, United States. I would hope to meet a mature gentleman who is intelligent, kind and who is constantly awed by discovery and learning; a gentleman who is respectful, helpful and compassionate to others; a man who believes in God and actually seeks Him. It would be especially wonderful if I could find a gentleman who is "an old soul", as I am.