Date women from United States / Alaska / Sitka, 37 year old

Date a woman from United States. I want good convesation full of laughter, almost choke on my food kinda laughter, don't worry I can save myself. He should love the outdoors and like to play till you need a flash light to see or have to use the cell phone trick. Looking for that Doctor Jones, and if I have to tell you which one then proceed to the next profile cause I want someone to play with in the jungle. Now that I am gatting older I seem to only need more sun block and that's about it. I am a 12 year old trapped in a thirty year olds body (they made a movie about me but I haven't seen it yet) so if you want to play twister or opperation or battleship, then chances are I might be down with it , candyland not really, I'm past that. Oh yeah and I talk to my dog on the phone, but I can't get a hold of him any more. Also I like to drive in circles (big ones) small ones give me a headache.