Date women from United States / Alaska / Sitka, 66 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Thanks for stopping by to check out my profile. I try to live my life with an attitude of gratitude, and mindful of the law of attraction. I'm grateful for the good people in my life, the things I have, the beautiful place where I live, my financial security, and the good health I still enjoy. I'm focused on the possibilities that may come, and am ready to start a new chapter in my life after losing my husband of 40 years in 2010. It would be much more fun with a partner. People were meant to go through life by twos.
Though I'm not a big smiler, I am a happy person, content with my life. I don't whine or grumble, and hate drama and negativity. I'm very easy going, and I think, easy to get along with. My ability to think critically and creatively, to plan and organize, write and speak well, and deal with a broad range of people, has allowed me to find work that has been challenging and fulfilling. I believe that I'm compassionate and empathetic, making most people feel good being with me. Though shy at the core, I've learned to present an aura of confidence and self assurance. I guess I'd have to say that my coping skills are also one of my best assets, as I've survived living in adverse situations with patience and grace. I've learned over the years that looking for the silver lining in every situation has helped me make the best of whatever comes along.
I grew up in the Seattle area, then lived in several small towns in the southwest for twenty years; before sailing to Alaska with my family in 1990. While raising two kids, I learned to lay bricks, build houses, dig for artifacts and run a hardware store, among other things. With an elementary education degree, I did some teaching along the way, kindergarten through high school, as well as home schooling. I also taught Hunter Education for many years. As a youth, I loved to swim and to teach others to swim. I spent the past 20 or so years continuing to teach by helping kids and adults learn how to find work or start small businesses.
Many years of self-employment led to my founding and directing a small non-profit agency in Sitka - providing employment training and small business development. After ten years at that, I spent two and a half as the executive director of a Chamber of Commerce before taking a job with the legislature that is part-time, and allows me to slide into retirement.
I like my life here in Sitka, but am open to living almost anywhere, with the right reasons and/or the right person. I've lived in 12 states, all in the West, and could be content in any number of places, though I have to say I've always preferred smaller towns and more temperate climates. After visiting New Mexico again this summer, the beauty of the mountains, the artwork, even the desert of the Southwest are tugging at me to spend more time down there. My daughter and son-in-law are living down there now.
I love meeting new people and seeing new places. Would like to find a man who loves and respects me just the way I am, and would expect to give the same in return. I am very flexible about where and how I live, as long as we're having fun. I have to say, it's so nice when men return an email or a wink, and I promise to do the same - even if it doesn't seem like it will go anywhere. Thanks for reading.