Date women from United States / Alabama / Opelika, 62 year old

Date someone special from Opelika, United States. My closest friends would probably say I'm warm, friendly, caring and compassionate. I say this because of an adage I read that says, "you are who your friends are". I like that. It seems the characteristics of my friends all seem to be about the same therefore, I hope I possess similar qualities.
I am an artist and I work with clay. I love seeking to give the pieces I create their own silent voice which will reflect the reason for their creation. At the tender age of 49, I went back to Auburn University to earn a fine arts degree. Having already spent four years both at a community college and at Auburn in the late 60's and early 70's, I completed my degree in two years. I feel blessed to have been inducted into Golden Key National Honor Society and Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society and graduated Summa Cum Laude. When ask if it was strange to be in class with all those young people, the answer is "no", it was a great two years and I enjoyed every day!!!!
The one thing in my life that I am most passionate about and grateful for is my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ because it is from that relationship that all others grow. I have one child, a son and he is the light of my life. He lives in Charleston, SC and is a professor at the College of Charleston.
Some of the things that bring a smile to my face are the awesome beauty of sunrise and sunset....the colors melting and blending one into the other, enjoying a cup of coffee and plesant conversation with friends. A laugh out loud moment?? Perhaps watching my great niece open Christmas gifts this year has been the most fun. She will be three in January and enjoyed collecting all the bows more than opening funny!!!

Meet a woman from Opelika, United States. I'm happy but would love to share my days and nights with someone that sends me over the top with the smallest kind, thoughtful actions- would love to have someone's hand to hold and get a squeeze every now and then.
I love to be with friends and family and appreciate some one with the same feelings and that shows interest in someone other than themselves.