Date women from United States / Alabama / Somerville, 62 year old

Date someone special from Somerville, United States. I have heard I'm easy to like, I'm easy to work with, and I have a good head on my shoulders. I've also heard I can be hard headed ( I like to think I stick to my guns as my granddaddy said). Things that make me smile? toooooo many to list but top of the list is my grandkids. I'm grateful for every breath I take, every sunrise and sunset I get to see, every song I get to sing or hear.
I realize that life is way too short to fret the small things. I do think about the small things but I try not to dwell on them. I try to live the Serenity Prayer every day. When I'm dead and gone I want people to have been pleased to have known me and have kind things to say about me. I know not everyone will though.
I never have a smile I can't share if someone needs it or a shoulder to cry on if that's needed, but don't think I will stay at your pity party too long. I can't the day is wasting away and I've got to go.
As you can tell, I love to talk. I just need to get to know you first.