Date men and women from United States. Human... born on planet earth with a distant relative from Uranus I been told. There a good chance of an attraction for us if you fit the mold. would like us to boast and brag, you'll find out for yourself that I'm not a drag. Describe yourself in 200 words?
One that can accomplish this would be a nerd. Send it in to make sure it's right? Dear Match this is going to take me all night?
Willing to take a chance for a lady to be found, I'm I starting to sould like a clown?
If you reply you may meet a humane, facetious, compassionate and affectationate gentleman who has experienced many treasures that life has bestowed on him. His up bringing is to be independent before being dependent. Is that true freind with the atributes desired among these many profiles? This lady will be compled to go the distance be it traveling, hiking, concerts, dancing, goofin' off, getting into the dirt, or being romantic. The jeans or ltlle black dress does'nt make my lady, it's what's inside that I value the most. Did I leave lingerie out of that sentence?
Fittness is a plus, not a gym freek, but a person that stays heathy and active. No potatoes on my couch, there in my garden. With a large garden, 70 apple tress, and a field of orchard grass hay, my couch is a bit rusty this time of year. We are all on this site I hope for the same reason... for one more bill to pay, right? What does it take to allure you into my world? I'm not amblivalent about trying this approach to dating, step up don't be aloof, our new adventure is just around the next corner.
My best to you all and good luck finding that special person that fullfills your dreams. (anyone find spelchex on this site yet?)