Date men from United States / Colorado / Colorado Springs, 25 year old - page 6

Date single boy from United States. ideal match is a woman to keep it 100 percent keeps it real can to setup knows how to treat a man has respect for herself and her family... is romantic not afraid to let a man be free to treat her like a lady.. have a good head on my shoulders I keep it real and down to earth I'm a good respectful man.. free to let my woman know how I feel not afraid to let her tell me how she feels.. I'm outgoing a gentleman and very romantic. And looking for my ebony queen.

Meet a boy from United States. I think developing a friendship is the best way to get into a relationship. I've been in a lot of relationships that didn't work out because of trust issues. If you can't trust the person you're with, it's never going to work.

Date a guy from United States. Let's see,
I recently found my home in Colorado Springs after growing up in Missouri and living in Pueblo and Durango during college. I am a fun loving guy that is very compassionate and caring. I consider myself a little bit old school since I grew up in a small town. It only comes natural to me to open up doors for ladies and say yes mam and no sir. I love the great outdoors and really enjoy fishing and camping. I care about my body and exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week. But I also enjoy going out, and getting crazy every now and then. But enough about me. Im looking for a girl that is laid back and likes to have a good time. Someone that I is adventurous and spontaneous. Someone that can feel comfortable wearing no makeup and throwing her hair in a pony tail. Also someone that shares my interest of sports and the great outdoors. If I spark your interest, I would love to hear from you!.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Is there an effective way to write about yourself without sounding pompous or delusional? Yes, its called lying. Unfortunately for me I’m a terrible liar so instead I’m forced to write about myself in a near stream of consciousness type approach and hope I don’t sound too much like a pretentious douche. I’m from Arkansas (Gods Country) but I don’t own a pick up truck or any sleeveless shirts. I went to college in Memphis where the most important thing I learned, aside from the finer points of beer pong of course, is that you’re never too old for a bouncy castle on your birthday. I will watch absolutely any sport if an American National team is playing (I became a huge Curling fan during the last winter Olympic). I’m an Officer in the Army and the Army routinely devours my personal life for its own benefit. I’ve discovered that in life nothing is free. EVERYTHING comes with a price tag, whether you see it or not. I love to stay up late and its takes me at least two hours for my brain to start functioning in the morning. I’ve lived in Colorado for nine months and loved every minute of it. Where else can I look at mountains on the way to work every morning. I’m a terrible dancer. I routinely misspell common words like “received”. Yes I used spell check to make sure I spelled received correctly in the last sentence. Happiness is both a cup of coffee with a good book, and a cold beer with a football game. Everything sounds better on vinyl. I love to cook. It doesn’t matter who you are, everybody has a country song they love. Fin.

Date someone special from United States. I love life and like to live it to the fullest! I started my landscaping company several years ago-so I work a lot. I also enjoy snowboarding,boxing and hockey,but most of all I love to cook. You'll most definitely be having some home cooked dinners with me. I manage to have fun no matter what I am doing! Family is very important to me. I'm always up for adventure. Love culture and diversity and any new experience I can get. I love to go to new places all the time. I like surprises, so I'm a very great surprise giver. I like to keep you on your toes in a fun way. And to be a little romantic of course... I'm creative and always thinking of new business ideas and pursuits. I love Finding the best wine, and most fun dining is always fun for me. I said hockey once already, but I love it and play on a local team. As much as I like hanging out with the boys and just having a good time, I'm really ready to be in a constant relationship with only one girl. I'm looking for a beautiful girl, who is up for an adventure, loves to have fun and be out of the box.

Meet single boy from Colorado Springs, United States. Hi, I recently moved to the Colorado Springs area from Pennsylvania and I'm looking to meet people on a casual basis. Although, I'm not opposed to the alternative. I enjoy a cup of coffee, a good one-on-one conversation, and a lazy Sunday above most things. I'm looking for someone who's fun-loving, intelligent, and doesn't mind getting her hands in the dirt. If you're interested, let me know.

Date a boy from Colorado Springs, United States. HEY! I have never attempted dating before, so this is my first try! =X Hmm, what can i say about myself? I am a HUGE World of Warcraft player (I have every race of every faction at max level and I am in the best guild on my server!!), I absolutely LOVE dungeons and dragons with my extremely close friend (I always play a rogue, the ladies love me.) I enjoy a few games of Magic the Gathering a couple of times a day, if I can't accomplish that I try to make it no longer than a three day dry spell. I have my own apartment, but my parents pay for it. I'm not complaining, they get me out of the house AND I finally have room for anime stash. ;) I am a major fan of comic books, and for the love of Xavior, DON'T ask me if my favorite is DC or Marvel comics I JUST DON'T KNOW LOL.
Who am I looking for? Well, in short I guess I'm looking for the Princess Leia to my Hon Solo; the ?owyn to my Aragorn; the Ellen Tigh to my Saul Tigh.

Meet a guy from Colorado Springs, United States. One day I lived in New York and the next day I woke up in Colorado (of course that's just for dramatic affect seeing as how it's a two day drive from NY to CO). But anyway, I moved here almost a year ago to work at a fancy hotel/resort as a culinary apprentice. Basically that means I get paid low wages and endure large amounts of emotional and physical abuse in order to learn how to cook. But it's really not that bad. I love cooking and I am good at it (and on a side note I am also a really modest guy). I spend spare time reading, writing, playing the bass/guitar, listening to music, pretending to know karate, maintaining homeostasis, thinking about how big outer space really is, and staring (without purpose or reason) into my refrigerator. Not much else to say about myself at the moment. If you're intrigued by what you've read so far, and how could not be (modesty again), feel free to message me.

Date a soulmate from Colorado Springs, United States. Well how do i describe my self ???..i guess i can let u do that once you get to know me =) looking for a nice intelligent girl that knows how to treat her man and respect him as well..and also that knows what she wants when it comes to her life goels and maybe even dreams :)

Meet someone special from Colorado Springs, United States. Fun and outgoing. Risk taker, lover. No fear, and committed. I appreciate time together and time apart. I love to smile and want to meet a woman with a contagious personality that can match my own. I love all music and I'm committed to being faithful

Date single boy from Colorado, United States. someone who treats me the way that they would be treated. i am tired of bending over just to make a female happy. now dont get me wrong i will make the female happy, but it goes both ways. i am at the point in my life that i dont want a one night stand anymore. i work my butt off just to live my life. and yes i dont have a car. i always walk to work. it doesnt bother me at all. but i would like a girl to understand that i dont like to drive. i am willing to pay for gas. just dont like to drive. but i am ready for the next big thing to happen to me in my life. it could be you. lol

Meet a boy from Colorado, United States. Lets get started, I love playing guitar, just not a full day unless I touch those strings. Big adrenaline junkie. Im big on going to the gym everyday as well as boxing everday. Snowboarding is my life now that I dont have waves to surf. In the summers Ill camp hike fish or dirt bike with the boys. Been here for a couple years and just taking it all in. No plans to leave anytime soon this place just has to much to offer. Im in the Air Force Reserve and work for the Military as a civilian fulltime. Going to hang out in Colorado and finish school and see where things go from there. Anything else you want to know Im down to have a converstion for sure.
Im looking for an old school type of woman...One with morals and that sticks by them no matter what. Got to have a sense of humor and independence. And of course to be active wanting to go out and climb some mountains or do some snowboarding.