Date men from United States / Colorado / Castle Rock, 42 year old

Date someone special from Colorado, United States. I'm casual, easy going, open minded and a little dorky. I'm at a point in my life where I am ready to move forward.
I'm also gonna need a tattoo one of these days...maybe, thought about, it would be cool, i'll feel cool, i could cross it out. eh...convince me, need a good discussion on it. :)
I was married forever, been separated for what seems like just as long and i'm now an amateur dater. I have found that most woman are unique and the landscape always changes. Which I think is what makes this both exciting and a stress maker at the same time.
How cool would it be to meet someone that I could call a "match"?
I would like to meet someone who enjoys the simple things in life and appreciates the finer moments that come with it.
l like meaningful conversation, even when it leads no where. I've been told I have a great sense of humor and sarcasm is a distinct possibility. I like to work hard when its appropriate, and relax when it feels right.
Who doesn't want a hug? seriously. ;-)
The length of the relationship is gonna depend on how well it may go. If it turns out to be that good, I'd be in it for the long haul. I think that is pretty true for most relationships.
My ideal match would have a sense direction but isn't stuck on a highway with no exit, is independent but likes to open up a little, is feisty with an attitude problem but likes to play together(ok maybe not to much of an attitude, lol), embraces reality but can imagine a future, can lead a conversation but doesn't have to talk to feel accomplished, cusses like its a competition but knows how to be a flower girl, knows what octane is and likes it that way, has a sense of humor that some people just don't get, can kick my ass but is sweeter than a field of sugar cane, likes notes of affection without a new car attached to it, has a general disregard for things that won't matter in 5 years, and doesn't like the same thing she did 15 years ago. If i met someone with 9 out of 12, That would be a good thing.
I'm from Hawaii and down to earth, raised with Aloha, I'm hoping to move back someday.
I think everyone has something to offer and everybody is good at something, What ever it may be.
I'm currently in the final stages of the divorce process, a matter of paperwork.
I am a lover at heart, passionate, love pleasing and like to ensure my partner comes first. ;-)

Meet single man from Colorado, United States. ...someone beautiful, inside and out... someone unafraid of the future and interested in it. Someone dedicated to them self and ready to rededicate them self. She needs to know herself and be ready to see herself in an entirely different light. Your starting to get the point right?... A female ready to go there with me and not afraid to take the trip.

Date a man from Colorado, United States. I am the first born in the family and have made a lifetime pursuing goals. I moved to Colorado in 1992 from the east coast. I have had a blast exploring the western half of the US since then. My career has changed from the lighting industry to banking and I have finished all the schooling I can handle at this point. I like to plan and acheive what I set out to do. I like data and analytical thinking and my job in the financial industry fits me perfectly. Through my lifetime I have never really been ready to take a mate until lately. The desire to find someone to build a life of memories together is so much more important at this stage in my life. However, as a working professional, trying to find a quality girl is contrained by the demands of work and available free time. As you can see from the photos, I like to live life to its fullest. I have traveled a bit internationally but would like to continue to do more of that. My latest hobby is cooking. I am still learning but have begun to master some foods on the grill in the summer and stove in the winter. I also understand that Colorado has a number of local vinyards and want to see those at some point. I try to keep everything in my life in balance. I usually like doing activities that are fun, creative, and economical when possible (I am saving for another house at the moment). Making intelligent choices with finances are important to me. My softer side and feelings usually surface in quiet moments within someone that I care for.
I am looking for a girl who is ready to build a lifetime of memories. If you are not sure that you want to have kids, I would welcome that conversation. I think we can spend a lifetime in a charitable state, helping children who are less fortunate and being available to help others. If you like to try a variety of foods and drink we will get along just fine. I am not sure that I want someone who is a pure vegan or vegetarian. If you have an interest in continual learning and talking about a variety of issues and topics that is a plus. You get a big bonus if you can speak to me in Italian (or want to learn another language with me). As a musician I also like to sing and play. Do you want to sing with me?
I have two "typical guy" elements and that is NFL football in the fall and a nice cigar in the summer. Can you tolerate those two things? Let's start a conversation and see where it leads!

Meet a soulmate from Colorado, United States. Out of a 20 year relationship, married for 16 of them. Wobbly about dating, so you might have to bear with me a bit.
I have two sons who are with me half the time. They are growing up into fine young men and make me incredibly proud.
I can be sarcastic, irreverent, or silly. Whatever it takes to get you to laugh.
I am wicked smart. Really. I could have been one of those 12 year olds who go to college, but I figured college would be more fun if I had a chance at dating. =)
Anyhow, I am an easy going man who spent 10 years in the Army, and the last 12 years as a professional nerd. I make a decent living but am past the point in my life where I was my job to define me or consume me.
At various times in my life I have worked as a cook in a youth hostel, a draftsman, insurance salesman, stitcher in a costume shop, stage manager, Police Dispatcher/911 Operator, handyman, sold Coats of Arms, street magician, Army Sniper, and systems engineer.
I have backpacked around Europe, stared down North Koreans on the DMZ, and acted on stage.
I learned to ride a motorcycle when I was 8.
I think if I won the lottery I would be living on a sail boat in the Gulf of Mexico, slowly making my way from place to place looking for a strong dollar, cheap rum, good music, and the occasional cheese burger.
Speaking of music, I can listen to almost anything that isn't sung by a would-be criminal or teenager loser whining about his miserable life.
I want a woman who thinks she's as sexy in a little black dress as she does in my flannel shirt. Who isn't psychotic, but maybe a little crazy. I want her to be able to be a bit inappropriate, but know when not to be. A woman who is incandescent, who thinks that sex is fun, and who still likes to hold my hand when we walk.
When I fix stuff, I tend to over engineer things (Every table should support 2000 lbs right?) That probably tells you something about my personality, but I am not sure what :)

Date someone special from United States. I love life and am looking for someone to share it with. While I do work hard/play hard, I have achieved a wonderful balance in my life and am looking to share it with a special woman in a LTR. I have subscribed to match in the past (off and on) and have met some wonderful people this way - many of which are still good friends. I am full of passion, energy, integrity and most of all, honesty.
I am physically fit (6'2", 165 lbs) and enjoy an active/healthy lifestyle. You won't find me hanging out at many bars, but you would find me hiking/biking/snowshoeing/running/nordic skiing while exploring our beautiful state with my 2 Labs. You may also find me combing the isles at Home Depot - seems I should have earned my own store by now.
My most recent passions include cycling and hiking the Collegiate Peaks near Buena Vista. I also enjoy great conversation over a glass of wine - I recently discovered a wonderful blackberry wine from Door County, Wisconsin. Basically, as long as I'm outside and doing something active, I'm happy!
I'm the friendly, down to earth type. I enjoy being challenged and learning new things. I'm not interested in the bar scene or games. I believe nice guys finish first!
I'm seeking an athletic, fun-loving, intelligent woman to share all that Colorado has to offer. Someone who is passionate about life and values laughter, friendship and conversation. Sexy means an active, confident, adventurous woman who is just as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. I value honesty and having the courage to be who you are.

Meet single man from United States. I am shy, but with a good sense of humor, I like bowling, volleyball, working out and most outdoor activities. I do like to go out for dinner, drinks, or the movies. I am looking for someone that likes to have fun and loves to laugh.I am looking for a long term relationship,and feel that everyone has a perfect match. I know that all of the disappointment from my first marriage has made me a stronger person. I like to try new things and would like to try sushi with somebody special.

Date a man from United States. I believe life is a journey not a destination. Enjoy life as you go and accept the changes that come whether they are positive or negative for they cannot be changed, they can only be responded to and adjusted to. I remind myself to be grateful for what I have and try to be fully engaged in the moment whenever possible. It is easy to get caught up always wanting something more or different as well as to be in a hurry to get to the next thing.
The first word that comes to mind to describe both who I am and what I am looking for is "Passion". I believe life should be lived with passion no matter what you are doing. You should be passionate about your relationship, your family & friendships, your business and your hobbies. Otherwise, you are not truly alive.
I would like to find a partner who I can share with, play with, grow with, nurture, encourage, support, enjoy, thrill, comfort and love who will do the SAME for me. It is paramount to make my partner feel important, loved, special, safe and secure. I am a very affectionate person both physically and emotionally in a relationship so I like frequent contact and expression with my partner. I enjoy a close committed relationship but also believe it is healthy to maintain a certain degree of independence and time to oneself. In a truly committed relationship, I value loyalty and fidelity above all else.
I am a driven person and I would like someone who will support me, my dreams and everything that goes with that. Success is not easy and it takes certain sacrifices to achieve. Conversely, couples need to remember their priorities and always put each other first as much as possible. The most important things in life are people and relationships, which should not be lost or forgotten in the quest for wealth & success. I believe in working hard so I can play even harder ?
I have two boys ages 5 and 7 who are my world and I am a part-time single father so it takes some balance and understanding in a relationship. I realize it is difficult building a new relationship with the extra dynamic of children. I want someone who will love, enjoy and cherish my boys but I am not looking for a mother for them because they have a very involved and loving mother in their lives already.
I have much to offer to the right woman and all I ask in return is that it is reciprocated. A relationship can only be truly successful when the circle is maintained by both partners giving and showing each other respect, appreciation, affection and love.
I want a partner who is not only my lover but also my best friend…

Meet a soulmate from United States. My closest friends describe me as funny. Any pretty smile will make me smile back. I am proud of my daughter and my business. I am grateful for loving parents and opportunities that have come my way. I am hoping to attract a loving, kind woman. My social life has been pretty active for the last few months. Any funny joke (even sarcastic) can make me laugh. I am looking for someone to share my time with. I am passionate about health, pursuing happiness and having fun.

Date someone special from Castle Rock, United States. Hi. My name is Donnie, and I am a 42 year old man looking for someone to spend some quality time with. I would describe myself as honest, playful, funny, deep and sensitive. I own a very affectionate Rottweiler, Skita, and she has been my buddy for seven years. I also have a cat, Bailey, and he is a gentle orange tabby. My favorite pastime is to explore different places with my dog. I also enjoy going to the movies, getting coffee, and spending time with people I like.

Meet single man from Castle Rock, United States. I would like to find a woman to share and enjoy the little things in life. I am a fun loving, hard working, sometimes sarcastic kind of man. love the outdoors, cooking, and my kids.I am ready to get out there and meet people and make a future. Most importantly, I want some to care for me for who I am, not for what they think they can mold me into. I am no longer on match but you can find me on pof if you want.

Date a man from Castle Rock, United States. I am looking for someone who is looking to have fun again, who is funny, smart, good sense of humor, who is ready to see the world, likes people in general, likes to go and be active, concerts, golf, the outdoors, wine, fine dining, enjoys life, who is self confident, secure, independent, successful in whatever she does, works well with peers and people, is likable. I am outgoing, love to go, love sports, concerts, movies, eating, exercising, being with my kids, fishing, hunting, golfing, video games. I am in business for myself, I have a consulting company that deals with clients in an ongoing manner, been doing the same profession for about 17 years, love people,

Meet a soulmate from Castle Rock, United States. I really do not like this typpe of thing but am just putting in words to satisfy the requirement so I can move on and search this site. So I just type and type to fill the empty space not making sense.