Date men from United States / Colorado / Aspen, 42 year old

Date a man from Colorado, United States. OK I have not been on for 4 years now. Didn't have much luck back then but thought I would give it another go.
Not much has change but I made some edits to the information below.
I am at a place in my life where I want to find a match that is willing to experience the world with me. Someone that will challenge me to new things and keep me on my toes. I have worked hard over the last 14 years and now feel it is time to experience the world some more. Weather that is right here in Aspen or far oversees. I need a partner in that mission, someone to excite and motivate me.
I am serious about a lasting relationship. I want to find a person to grow with and have kids with. I am ready! True is I have been ready for a few years now. I hope there is someone out there looking for the same.
I love food and restaurants so my match would have to be a foodie. I own a restaurant (don’t let that scare you). The restaurant is 12 years old and does not require that I be there all the time, but as a business owner it is a big part of my life. The right woman will easily become a bigger part of my life.
I am also county commissioner. Yes that is right I am an elected official. I got involved because I felt having a business person involved in local policy make was important. I have learned a lot and enjoy the work. I have no inspiration to run for high office anytime in the future.
I am an energetic person and love the outdoors. Health and fitness has always been a big part of my life and I want a partner that will push me and keep me on that path. I hike almost every day in the summer. Ski in the winter. Love to play golf. Just started playing hockey again after 15 years. I want someone that will make me more of an athlete and will share these things with me. I love to eat healthy and want a partner that will keep me from the junk food (most of the time that is). Over all I want a partner that will take care of me and I can help take care of her. A partnership.
I love to learn more things and would like to take more classes and lectures on all kind of topics. Life is about learning and it would be a lot more fun to share that with someone. I am still a student of life and the world. I want a partner to grow with.
All in all I am looking for a kind, loving, adventurous, energetic, passionate person to create a future with.
I can be shy on the outside but with the right someone I do open up and you will find I am a very loving kind person. Don’t be afraid to make the first move with a wink or an email!!
Would love to meet you so send me a note!

Meet a soulmate from Colorado, United States. I'm looking for that spontanious, intelligent, witty & woman, who can turn on her charm, to share a little slightly twisted fun with. I like good conversation, politics, art, raising kids or what the next trip could be.
I love the simplicity of my life and think I’m lucky. I prefer to mix up; good clean fun and tear it up. Good balance. I’m a Dad, I have to be the best example for my 14 yr old son, in the few short years left that he will be at home... dad has to be there. And look out for my needs. I'm responsible for my own happiness; I need a team mate to laugh with every day. Most of all, I want to remain comfortable, happy and relaxed. I spend free time outdoors, hiking, biking, and skiing. I would love to meet that supportive, woman to blend our family lives and have fun with everyday. Living in town is very convenient, out to shows; Raconteurs, New Master Sound, Ozomatli or night cap but comfortable staying in baking a pie. My family reminds of what a great people; how much fun uncontrollable laughter is. Golfing in the rain, jumping on a trampoline, summer water play, it’s all good fun! I really want to be in a relationship with a loving and loyal woman.
I am looking for a fun, outgoing, athletic, passionate woman to complete my person. Weekday lunches, weekends, trips or skiing in town. I grew up in New England and like to visit, if you have family there, we have something else in common. I'm not a big fan of ink, tattoos are a turn off.
I am much more relaxed now than when I was in my 20’s 30’s. I definitely obsessed about my recreational sports, hard, big wall rock and ice climbing, high alpine mountain routes, many years flying hang gliders. I am motivated by adventurous people and good fun! These days in the summer, you would find me on some of the 100's of miles of local mountain bike trails, fishing or hiking to a summit. In the winter, on Ajax, (everywhere else is a road trip). Road trips are cool too, new places, new perspectives. There are few things sexier than a girl who makes telemark skiing look ballet! Okay, that last thing about tele-chic got it down to less than 1 percent of the women out there... not a requirement, you must be active though.

Date single man from Colorado, United States. ME--
I grew up in Baltimore but moved to Aspen about 12 years ago. I like to spend time with close friends and family, hike, ski, surf, travel, go to the movies, see live music and spend time with my kids. Speaking of kids, I have a six year old boy and seven year old girl and they are awesome (usually). They are with me about half of the time.
I'm smart, sensitive, funny, witty, very honest, affectionate, generous, caring, a bit sarcastic, down to earth, sometimes impatient, very direct, and generally am an all or nothing type of person. I live in the present and try not to worry too much about the past or the future. I'm better then most men at communicating. I don't take my self too seriously and would say that having fun and laughing are the most important things to me.
One of the few advantages to getting older is that I know myself well and know what I do and don't want in life and in a partner.
YOU: (are a bit like me but not in every way)
Love kids and dogs, are optimistic, happy, very pretty, very smart, listen to NPR or at least know what it is, vote democratic, aren't crazy, like to be near the mountains or the ocean, believe wholeheartedly in the expression "Don't sweat the small stuff", are low maintenance, don't wear much makeup, live in the moment, can be ready to go in 30 minutes, look great in a dress but are happiest in jeans.

Meet someone special from Colorado, United States. Isn't this the hardest part? So I'm just going to go free form and just write hte er strikes me. I really can't describe my perfect date or mate,but I can state what she isn't. She's not a liar or a cheat, a slob, druggie, neorotic, prissy, fickle,nagging,unsatisfied with herself,a complainer,money oriented and last but cetainly not least, self absorbed. I give of myself as much as possible and would love to find someone to share with. I am not complex and find that candor and honesty can elevate two people to the things that they desire out of life. Stop and smell all the flowers , not just the roses. We all live in such a beautiful place , let's go out and play.............PICNIC? Ladies looking for a baby daddy or gold diggers need to go away and get a job or a clue because you're selling your soul,Or both preferably, don't you think? I'm not negative, I just know what I don't care for. However, I am a devoted man to the goddess that would ask me or allow me to worship her. Not as a slave, but as a devote bringer of offerings of all types. Especially the gift of good lovin', wine food, adventure, new places and experiences.
I'm self employed and love what I do, beyond description. It's my passion and I love sharing it. And yes I am a very passionate person, every day all the time.

Date a man from United States. Work hard, play hard and just love dogs. I've been here in Colorado for a relatively short time - I'm originally from New England and the mountains have been a big part of my life since college when I got out of the concrete jungle. I've spent time traveling and living in many parts of the country (with a eye toward beauty and outdoor fun - Portland, New Hampshire, Montana, etc...), I'm now exploring this beautiful part of the country - and would love to explore with someone similarly inclined. My work can be time consuming - I work with kids and adults as a physician, a pediatrician and psychiatrist - so I look forward to free time. I spend it skiing, hiking, traveling, doing photography and with with my dog Albert, a rescue who is everything to me and goes everywhere too. If your interested in some good conversation, a relaxing break or exploring and active fun, drop me a line. Thanks for looking and take care.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I like the outdoors, dogs,and coffee drinking...enjoy traveling the open road and seeing the sights...when not being lazy,I enjoy taking some good hikes up in the mountains. Driving is a passion of mine which requires little pursuasion. The other day coming from Pocatello ,ID, I saw a bald eagle hanging out on a tree with it's mate...thought to self...that could be me on that branch with my soulmate...sure I did. It really was so cool to see it though...the great wide open that I've known since growing up in Montana. River runs through it is one of my all time favorites. I'd love to go into my likes and dislikes but that'll come in an autobiography that I'll think about putting it on a video of some sort. I've got all the background for a definite thriller/horror movie. I'm getting pumped just thinking about how to start it.

Date single man from United States. Here we go again a new city and new people! I'm ready to drop some personal roots here so trust me when I say that I'm DONE MOVING! I prefer natural beauty. If you're not fit I'm not interested sorry, I'm sure you're sweet but it's JUST not my thing... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Have some style! I'm just not interested in you if you don't so take the J.C. Penny's gear and just move along. Again, best to get this stuff out of the way right off the bat isn't it? I'm an incredible guy and make sure my partner in life is happy and taken care of... So I have to be specific when I tell you what I do and don't like.
I've spent the better part of my life getting paid to make people Laugh, think and question. I am so lucky to continue to have that opportunity. If you're looking for someone that you can enjoy being around, above and beyond the simple surface chemistry then I'm likely the best pick in this pond. But you need to "bring it" too. I'm a career media personality and love what I do.
I'm a very private person without a whole lot of tolerance for morons. I'm kind, gentle and take very good care of the ones I love. I'm old school and prefer to act as such. Opening doors etc. What Else? I'm romantic, and prefer someone who is the same. If you're open to a man with some character then you're going to dig me...
I don't Drink... so if that's a problem for you I get it... It's cool but hopefully you can get over it quickly because there's a whole lot more to this man. I'll happily go out to bars with you but would prefer live music or a museum or a search for the worlds greatest restaurant then the bar scene. I'm not a hater and will buy you shots all night long if that's your thing... Just respect my wishes and that's cool and NO if we get married I won't have a Glass of Champagne on our wedding day with you... Sorry, but I also won't piss the bed on our wedding day either or pass out on you on our wedding night. I am 4:20 friendly.
Life is an unfinished book. I'm looking for someone who's together, no drama, be passionate and affectionate... I hope you're independent, non judgmental and have an open mind. I will walk away if all you do is point out every single negative that you see. I prefer positive energy please.

Meet someone special from United States. Easy going guy looking for a fun time with someone different. I am not trying to find the perfect match, just someone who has some similiar interests and enjoys life like I do!! Looks are not as important as confidence!

Date a man from Aspen, United States. I moved to Colorado thirteen years ago and I'm so glad I did. There is so much that I like to do here in these great mountains.
I am back in school these days studying sustainability. It's very interesting and so important right now. It's time for more accountability in the way we live. I enjoy being around people who have a good heart and care about what's going on around them and their impact and influences in life. I like being honest and open. I love to smile and laugh and sometimes be silly. I am a passionate person and that comes out in many ways. Sometimes I'm pretty intense, but most of the time I'm laid back. I like to live in the moment.
Adventures and spontaneity is great but so is chillin to a movie or a board game. I like to be rested. Life is so much more rosy then but I'm not afraid to stay up till the wee hours or get up early. I love being out before sunrise when I'm hunting, and then take a nap : )
I like opening doors for my lady and I try to be a gentleman. Communication is so important in all aspects of any relationship.

Meet a soulmate from Aspen, United States. I'm grateful for living in such a beautiful Place, I;m looking for a nice lady to start life together here or some where else.I love to travel and see new places once or twice a year. looking for someone to share art see museums and learn more about people. I like to go out met people have fun.

Date single man from Aspen, United States. Hello everyone!! I just moved here, I'm originally from Michigan but have spent the last 18 years in Chicago. I'm very laid back and have a great attitude towards life, I love spending time with Family and friends...especially when there is great food and drink around. To me there is nothing better then sitting around a table enjoying great conservation, especially when it is impromptu. I am a restaurant manger and have spent many years as a chef, I have been in the business my whole life, I love it. I do work a lot, 50-60 hours a week and that includes some weekends and Holidays. Seeing as I just moved here I'm going to be up for adventuring everywhere in Colorado, I really want to see what the State has to offer!
Things I Love, animals,music,cooking,traveling,Sunday mornings,movies,history,dining out,Budweiser,College sports,new adventures,friends,family.
Things I dislike,Negative people,judgmental people,being told what to do.

Meet someone special from Aspen, United States. hard worker man, a lot sence of humor, ready to start at one durable relationship. i have o lot of interest in doing some outdoors activities like sports. like to dining out and some live music concerts