Date men from United States / Colorado / Littleton, 42 year old

Date a man from Colorado, United States. I'm open minded, driven, responsible, compassionate and enjoy having a good time regardless of what I'm doing or where I'm at. Life is too short not to make the most of every situation. I'm looking for someone who can inspire me to try new things (as I will for you) and welcomes the idea of a true romantic partnership. For me, a relationship is as much about giving as it is about receiving. Looking to meet someone like minded, who's doesn't sweat the small stuff and is not afraid of taking risks. (or who can roll with the punches) I'm also looking for someone who can ease into things and let things progress (or not) naturally. Given that I'm recently separated, I haven't posted a picture because I don't need the potential drama associated with being "spotted" on I'm trying to make a clean break from drama, not find it! Want to know more or a pic...just ask!
Oh...If you are easily offended or dislike sarcasm, I'm probably not the best match for you. I'm hilarious, but also am not afraid to say what's really on my mind!

Meet someone special from Colorado, United States. I coach and play lacrosse - pretty much year-round. Lax is life! I like to golf too, but my game has been steadily deteriorating since college. I haven't been camping in 10 years. I haven't skied since Thanksgiving 1987. I'm not a big fan of winter or the mountains, but I am a huge fan of spring, summer and fall. I'd prefer a movie day on the couch or sitting under a palm tree on a beach over cycling or hiking (eww).
I'm a single dad and have great relationships with my sons (12 and 11). I get along exceedingly well with my ex-wife. My friends would describe me as funny and charming. I've been told that my appearance and exuberance are youthful for my age (yay, me). I'm looking for a fun, cool, drama-free, affectionate woman to spend time with. I'm affectionate and cuddly and I like holding hands! Natural chemistry with my sons is a must, but they are super-easy to get along with so that shouldn't be a problem. There has nary been a grocery store tantrum or restaurant meltdown as they've grown up. I take no credit for this - they're just awesome kids.
And sorry ladies, if you're looking for corporate, power-career, job title guy, I ain't him. It's well documented that I called in sick on the day God handed out work ethic. I support myself just fine, but I work to live - not live to work. I've never defined myself by what I do for a living as alot of men my age do.
I've been tested alot by life in recent years, and I've come through it more laid back and placing more emphasis on the people and things that I love. I live my life trying to soak in as much love, friendship and companionship as I can.
I'm all about exclusivity. Regardless of where we are on the relationship spectrum, whether it's just dating or head-over-heels in love, you'll have my undivided attention. I would like the same in return. I'm not a game-player and I don't want to be played with (hence the 30 years old and above requirement).
Oh, and I'm kind of a grammar and punctuation nerd. I don't LOL or OMG. If I get a text that just says "k" I'll scream! If you (not U) write in complete sentences and proofread your texts and emails before hitting the send button, then let's just skip all the preliminaries and get married now...
That's it for now. I'll probably add more to this diatribe as I become more acquainted and comfortable with how this all works. Cheers!

Date single man from Colorado, United States. Hello! I'll keep this relatively short and sweet! Ok, so here's the thing. First off, I own my own home, I have a good job and I own my own car! I don't have kids or a psycho ex wife, so I'm baggage free ;) I'm looking for partner in crime who I can share my adventures with ...and believe me, I have a lot! I'm always up for something fun, whether its watching a live band, hiking, or hanging at a jazz club. I do also like to chill at home sometimes with a movie and a good bottle of wine. A sense of humor and adventure is a must. I tend to be a bit of a goofball sometimes, because I like to laugh a lot and have a lot of fun in life. Also, spontaneity rules! I watch extremely little TV, so couch potatoes need not apply. Don't misunderstand me, I AM looking for a relationship, and for that right "one" that I can finally settle down with. If you think you'd like to meet, definitely drop me a line. It works much better than a wink, even if its just a quick hello, however, if you get a wink from me, it's prob bc I'm at work or busy, so keep an eye out for a follow up email! Also, one last thing. I pretty much look exactly like my pics, and look young for my age, however, I tend to change my look a lot, so that's why my pics look so different over a span of just a couple of years! So if you contact me, please don't have 10 yr old pics on your profile (or pictures of nature without you in them, save those for Flickr)! Thanks, and hope to hear from you!
P.s. It's a plus if u like zombie movies!

Meet a soulmate from Colorado, United States. I moved out here from Ohio 14 years ago and I'm looking for someone who has the same interests as me to share time with. I am 6', 195lbs with blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't like to laugh or have a good time. Just kidding. I love how people feel the need to put that down. If you have met someone that doesn't like to laugh, or you are that person, please contact me. I would love to talk with you.
I'm outgoing, upbeat, funny, slightly sarcastic ( as you may have already figured out but in a good natured way), educated, wordy, thoughtful, and adventurous. I am also responsible, successful, ambitious, and financially secure. In my free time I enjoy doing a multitude of things.
In the summer I try to be outside as much as possible. I love to golf and try to go hiking and camping when I can. Don't worry ladies, I would not make you sleep on the ground or go more than two days without a shower! l In the winter I try to go skiing around 10 times a year and I also enjoy snowshoeing and bowling. I own a motorcycle so I like to go riding up in the mountains from time to time. I picked up fly fishing a couple of years ago and really like it. I'm not very good but it's still fun watching the fish laugh at my skills. I love traveling to new places either around here or abroad. I've been told by more than one person that I'm a great tour guide.
I'm a big sports fan, mostly college football, hockey and baseball. I enjoy going concerts or to an Av's or Rockies game when I can. Opening Day is always a great time! I'm always up for trying something new or going somewhere I've never been to before. Life is much more exciting when you get out of your comfort zone! That's one reason I went skydiving! :) BTW, it was amazing!
I enjoy getting my hands dirty on the weekends with home improvement projects or in my garden. I'm also a big foodie (not literally). I love to try new restaurants or be creative in the kitchen. I recycle and think everyone should. It's the least you can do.
The person that I'm looking for is a pretty normal person. She loves to laugh and have a good time. Below are a few things that I've found attractive in women in the past but the main things I'm looking for is that you have a good heart and there's chemistry between us.
First of all, she has to like to laugh and hopefully gets this joke. I'd like to find someone that also enjoys working out but is not a fanatic about it. Some of your other likes might include golfing, watching sports , hiking, campfires, going on road trips, family, friends, volunteer work, skiing, flirting and occasional PDA's. I prefer non- smokers. You enjoy riding motorcycles, beaches, hot springs and comedies. You're spontaneous. You like to get dressed up and go out to nice restaurants but also enjoy hanging out in a neighborhood bar in your jeans playing pool and listening to a live band. You enjoy sleeping in on weekends drinking coffee but the rest of the week you're motivated. You like animals. You like boy bands. Not really (Just seeing if you were still paying attention) If you're someone that's always training for some event, can't get off her bike or can't enjoy a meal without worrying how many calories are on your plate, or on mine, please do not contact me. I believe eating good food is one of the great true joys in life but everything in moderation. I love kids but they are not necessary for my happiness. I would love to hear from you if you possess some of the qualities I mentioned above. I'm looking for someone who wants to have fun and share their life.
Best of luck

Date a man from Littleton, United States. About me: I'm a 42yo divorced father of a beautiful 3 and a half yr old boy. He's gorgeous on the inside and outside and frankly I'm lucky to be his dad because he makes me want to be better in every way. I have a good rel with the ex so I don't consider myself to have "baggage" but that's for someone else to decide for themselves:)
I have a good heart, I have learned some lessons the hard way but learned some great ones along the way and they have provided me a strong sense of myself and my values. I'm young at heart and I don't feel anywhere close to my actual age. I'm very loyal, have a strong work ethic, and know how to balance fun with more serious aspects of life. I love being active, I'm an 'animal-lover' (love dogs especially), I'm someone who isn't afraid to hang in there and battle for the important things and I feel that sometimes is a missing quality in people. I also have a strong sense of family, esp once I became a dad and understood life a little more. I know its a cliche but whatever difficult times I've been through have molded me into a much better person and I have worked on not allowing negative experiences to jade me, but instead to give me a clearer sense of myself and what direction I'd like to take my life in. I don't want to spout off about being "intelligent, funny, good-looking etc" because that's all personal preference and chemistry. I can appreciate everything from good art/music to playing mud volleyball and everything in-between. I can be very outgoing, social and personable and I also enjoy toning things down and spending one-on-one time with my partner. I've had good long-term relationship experience and I've been on all sides of the coin so I have a good grasp on what seems to work and what may not.
Full disclosure: I used to be a little wild back in the day but I have since evolved into a responsible (but not boring) person.
My hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, scuba-diving, music, playing/watching sports, spending quality time with my son
I'm looking for someone who is also adventurous, active, athletic, empathic/compassionate, strong sense of self, has a "spark", has a solid core, understands that life can throw challenges at you but is willing to work thru situations and resolve conflict in a positive constructive manner, a good communicator, and of course hopefully attractive :)
Someone who isn't still "into" the bar scene but can still enjoy socializing in different settings. And just to throw this in...Having opinions is a good thing, esp if they're well-informed and communicated maturely.
Politically I'm a liberal but probably more middle-of-the-road on most issues. I try and let common sense prevail in most situations over and above what I'm "supposed" to believe in. I get along well with people who can be logical and open-minded even if we don't see eye-to-eye. I like independent thinkers. I feel that's one of the things I bring to the table..

Meet someone special from Littleton, United States. I have no idea what to write. How about letting me look around the site a few minutes first so I can brainstorm to come up with some really clever? As it stands, I don't really know what to write.
I try to be a good person. I'm looking for someone who is also a good person and that I can get along with. Basically what most people are looking for, yeah?

Date single man from Littleton, United States. So I have learned by experience - I like the 14’ers. But prefer the 18’ers. I know how to camp and am quite comfortable in the wilderness. However, truth be told I do enjoy a little first class given the choice. And life after all, is all about choices isn’t it?
I’ve got a great job which keeps the lights on and consistently provides for the roof over head and some special events during the year. My friends tell me I am a hopeless romantic. Of course I disagree.
If you’re looking for someone with honesty, integrity and a sense of humor you have found him. I can go with the flow and know that above all kindness and compassion commands the day.

Meet a soulmate from Littleton, United States. I am funny, seriously just look at me!
What do you call a dog with no legs?...........................................It doesn't matter he won't come anyway!
I am looking for romance, the funny feeling we get when we talk the first time, and the butterflies we get when we see each other (does this exist). I want to hold hands and kiss, and show you how a gentleman treats a real lady.
I love being a father to my 8 year old daughter, she is the love of my life. However, I would like to have someone in my life to share each others day with and compliment one another rather than complete each other.. I miss having someone to call and text to see how they are doing, and taking out for a great night or staying in to relax after a long day in the office.
Are you her, Would you enjoy getting to know me? If you are the one, send me an email with your address and I will mount my white horse and appear before you to whisk you off to the forest where a picnic awaits our arrival. (hopefully you are laughing a little) Take a chance and let's talk if you would really like to get to know me.
I have goals, looking for someone who also has goals and wants the most out of life.
I really enjoy making people feel special, I am more of a giver than a taker. I love to surprise you!!
I am high on life and full of energy. Can you keep up?

Date a man from United States. Okay, I am from a big family, one of nine kids, two brothers and six sisters. I grew up on a farm out in the country. Life was crazy fun growing up with so many family and rfiends around. I like people, from the joy and innocence of a child to the wisdom and knowledge of anyone older and wiser tnan myself.
As far as travel, any were any time. I've been to Costa Rica twice this year. Costa Rica is a beautiful country with beautiful people. The wildlife parks there are amazing!

Meet someone special from United States. someone who loves me for me that likes to ride that like to have fun alot and wants to be spoiled wants to vacation alot wants to stay home and cuddle want to stay in shape so as a couple people will envy what we have together

Date single man from United States. Gee let's start with good looking, funny, smart and in good heath.Divorced and actively looking for the right person to spend time with. I hope to find someone with good sense of humor, playful not always serious but has that quality too. Strong moral values is a must, No wishy washy can't do that.I really like people who can say what they mean and mean what they say. I raised 2 great teenagers//young adults and we are very tight, love spending time with them. I would like a person who can fit in with us and of course we with you.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a very fun, outgoing, caring person. I am very active and am looking for someone who is similar to myself. I want someone to laugh, have fun and adventure with me.... I need someone who i am attracted to both physically and emotionally.
I love books, art music, but I don't often choose a favorite. I enjoy variety in life. I like to experience many things/places/friends. I really enjoy showing the people I love some of the things that I find exciting eg. a favorite book/movie/place.
I like to be active in sports and exercise in the gym/pool. I also love the outdoors and hiking/boating/seeing the world. If you like to get up and go out for some fun, I would be all over it.