Date women from United States / Arkansas / Judsonia, 57 year old

Date a woman from United States. movies make me laugh if they are funny.i am looking for a man that will share the good times and bad.that i can talk to about things that i like and that i dont like.some one to snugle with on a rainy day and watch t.v. are a good movie.someone that i can stand by through thick and thin.and i hope that he will like my dog friday and dose not mind when i read my books.someone to have a good fun life with.and do what ever we want to do at any giveing moment.

Meet someone special from United States. Your profile really caught have an exciting life .i am wondering what was to be in your shoes. I like to be around people that is with substance and their is something I could learn.some one that I could call a friend. I just retired and surely life is good not to wake up to work. I know thw wee of the ours is not fun in military life.Vacation yes that's what I am looking for .i am not diceded yet ,to jined the club. I like your frofile and my liking to know you.i am theresa.

Date a soulmate from United States. I like to have fun but have a serious side too! I've been around & can relate to a lot of different people, that's what life is all about, meeting new people & experiencing new things!! I believe everyone has a destiny & someone to shre that destiny with, I mean that's what the Ark was all about wasn't it? Two by two, together, through thick & thin, sickness & in health,.......