Date women from United States / Arkansas / Saratoga, 49 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am a people person and like to surround myself with fun, kind-hearted, positive people with good values and work ethics. Family is really important to me, love the outdoors, exercise is a must (to stay sane!), travel, food (cooking and eating), theater, and helping others.
Hope to see if there is someone out there who is loving, honest and caring, respectful and respected, with good family values; someone who likes a new adventure, whether it's going on a road trip or finding a great hole-in-the-wall restaurant or taking a spontaneous excursion or just happy to be home relaxing. I like to keep things simple with no drama and enjoy learning something new.
If you live outside of the Bay Area, I probably won't respond. Sorry!

Meet someone special from United States. I'm a passionate woman with a zest that transends through most things in my life. I love to have fun! I'm down to earth with an adventurous spirit, independent, generally happy, open minded, sexy and a hopeless romantic! The first things people usually notice about me is my smile, smiling eyes and optimism.
I'm a finance consultant for high tech companies, I work hard and enjoy it. At times long hours are required but the flexibility suits my lifestyle. It enables me to be available for my children's busy schedule as well as satisfy my desire for spontaneity and my curiosity about the world around me. I made a promise that I would take a vacation (or two) somewhere new every year. I have not been disappointed yet. I enjoy music especially live concerts. I often choose an artist then search their tour schedule for my next vacation adventure.
Last summer Michael Buble's concert took me to Vancouver, Canada. I hiked, kayaked and enjoyed the exciting concert. I vacationed in Manhattan; fine dining, sight seeing and theatre all a thrill to the senses. I ended the year with a trip to Morocco which included camping in the Sahara Desert visiting nomads along the way and an evening with snake charmers and fortune tellers at the famous Bazaar in Marrakesh. Recently I enjoyed an incredible trip to Cancun with my children, Las Vegas, the wine country, white water rafting and Sedona, Arizona.
My life's adventures are not limited to travel and music. My interests include rich Zinfandel's, hiking, body pump classes, reading and movies. I recently have been introduced to sculling and love it, now a member of the Los Gatos Rowing Club! On a typical Friday night I'm relaxing with my family or out with friends. When it's my weekend with my children just catching up and having fun.
Somewhere out there is a great guy who'll not only want to introduce me to new things, but will also like to try some adventures that are new to both of us. The man I would like to meet is career oriented, confident, self assured, enjoys travel and takes care of himself physically and emotionally. Honesty and integrity are absolutely critical. I'm looking for a guy who can keep me on my toes both when it comes to intellect and energy. Are you a man filled with suprises and romance? Are you the type of man that will make me feel safe and warm? Have you made it all the way to the end of my profile? Then what are you waiting for?

Date a soulmate from United States. asian breed!.....easy & cool, independent, good natured woman with good sense of humor, modest, decent, educated, family oriented..
i'm a strong willed and positive person, i can battle any storms in life with heads up..yet, i know having someone on my side will help me win any battles fast and less stressing ..equally, i wanna share all my love, joy, happiness, and any blessings that life has to offer with d right guy..ya, just d right guy and not d perfect looking for D One, d heaven sent :)
i love life..i treat ev'ryday as gift and a blessing..i love kids tho i was not blessed with will be a privilege and another blessing to have and welcome any kids from my would be partner..
i love pets, they give me a special kind of joy and smile to my face..i'm a multi task and organized in ev'rything i do..i can work 10-12hrs a day and can still maintain a good clean scented house..additionally, i can cook good and know how to spoil my man!
am very patient too with my guy's mess..just don't abuse it :)
i'm looking for a long term term relationship, i don't do one night stand..want someone who is smart funny, romantic, trustworthy, sincere, stable independent, down to earth, and is God fearing..because if u are, u wont hurt anyone or do anything that will displease Him..
yes, i'm conservative but aint boring :)