Date men from United States / Arkansas / Saratoga, 49 year old

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. Someone that I can fall in love with and will someday be my partner in life. I want someone that I can be myself with and they can be the same. It should be natural and just feel right. I'm not looking for some certain person, but I'm looking for someone that makes me feel like I am a perfect fit and we fit perfectly together. I want to give my all to the right person and I want it to last forever (Ok, maybe I am a dreamer, but I love to dream). I want my partner to be my best friend in the whole world.
I really didn't expect to be here on at this point in my life, but such is life. My roommate and good friend and former business partner actually started in our house. I laughed at him, but here I am. If only I could find my founder's lifetime account, I'd be on for free!
I have been doing a lot of work on understanding myself and my needs as a man, father, person. Being and living a conscious life. Being open and present. I think I have finally figured out some stuff that didn't make send to me for a while. But still have a ways to go as I believe we are all works in process. I believe that working on yourself is a lifetime thing.
Life is short and only getting shorter. I want to end each day knowing that what I did was worthwhile and I made a difference in at least someone life. I want to grow and learn. I want to learn to play the guitar great. I want to keep getting in better shape. I want to do a decathlon (10 track events) next year. I love to dance. I' always end up being one last one leaving a party or event that I might not have wanted to go to. I have lots of great friends who care about. I want joy. I love music - almost all kinds and prefer music to the TV almost all of the time.
I work out pretty much every day- one hour max. It is just part of my life and something that I have done since I was in high school. I mainly do it as a therapy for me - I get into a zone, do my workouts, and then am the most relaxed person in the world - relaxed both in body and soul. It makes me a great person. My workouts are just a minor part of my life, although some people think that I am a pretty muscular. I like when my body has a nice shape and is in proportion. I work out for my soul. I didn't put any workout photos up but have some around or you can meet me maybe and see. I think guys should be strong but have trim waists too. It is the whole package that counts. If I had a little more time I would do more yoga and boxing training too, but for now, that is for later.
I teach part time at one of the local community colleges because it is way that I can really give back. I mentor students and others on business and technology and will always help someone out. Being a caring mentor is a very important task. I also serve on some charity boards on causes that I think are important to everyone and our community. We all need to give back.
By the way, I am an open book once I am comfortable with someone. Really don't want to date, but finding the right partner for life is of hug importance to me. I am low key and basic deep down. However, I am emotional and a softy too. I cry at all the movies I see and it always turns out that I cry at the movies on the plane too. I believe in fairy tale endings and that anything can happen if you really want it to.

Meet single man from Arkansas, United States. Hi, thanks for checking out my profile. I'm a goof... looking for another goof. Picking out a few words to describe me... I'm easy to get along with, affectionate, considerate, honest, kind, generous, helpful, patient and understanding.
I feel very fortunate that my boys are also my good friends… I’m very proud of them for having the courage to pursue their passion… they’re both doing the college thing so I really cherish the time we spend together. I come from a large family and am close to all of my siblings. We enjoy giving each other a hard time... just to show we love each other.
My passion is helping people eliminate the internal stress (baggage) they have in their life. I run a Stress Relief Clinic in Palo Alto where I teach people how to release those uncomfortable feelings that are keeping them stuck in life.
I meditate, work out regularly and eat healthy and prefer to be with someone who has figured out how to do the same. We’re not obsessive, but consistent and are supportive of each other’s health endeavors.
I’m an ENFP if that means anything. Pretty close to the middle for most of the categories.
I used to be a "rocker" but have mellowed quite a bit. Still enjoy all the typical fun stuff: energy of SF, movies, shows, concerts, comedy clubs, beaches, watching a beach sunset by a fire pit, bike riding, and am lucky enough to regularly spend time unwinding at my cabin which is an hour from Tahoe.
I'm looking for that special someone...
I'm on a spiritual path where I recognize we're all on our journey and I'm looking for someone who is also on a spiritual path.
We all are looking for chemistry…
My love language is physical touch, and I also show my love in all the other languages: acts of service and kindness, spending quality time, buying little mementos, words of affirmation. So you being affectionate really speaks to me.
Physical touch is not just sex, that’s a part of it; but it’s also as simple as being comfortable holding hands, hugging.
Humor is so important… hopefully our senses of humor ignite each other :-)
You manage to balance life and still find time for romance; you’re ready to be in a relationship.
Since communication is essential for any relationship, you’re comfortable sharing even the most sensitive topics.
I chose to work around the search engines so if you’ve made it this far, then hopefully me being 56 works for you; photos are current.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm kickstarting a new life after moving from Santa Cruz to pursue an opportunity that has turned out to be an amazing ride.
I'm a devoted father with newfound time as my boys grow into young men. There is a lot of love and laughter in my house. I maintain a low carbon footprint but enjoy the occasional indulgence.
About yourself - you enjoy what you do and are satisfied with how you turned out but continue to strive. You are perceptive, fairly laid back, and can appreciate the finer things but tend to remain fairly down to earth.
SUP anyone? I have tickets to Philosophy Talk at Marsh Theater in SF. I'll be there is a dance lesson studio near you. r u game?
So, how will we get to know each other better on third date? Let's cook a gourmet meal together. Let's discuss philosophy while playing mini golf. Let's travel silently through an enchanted forest. I can teach you how to use a bokken or a surfboard although not at the same time. Let's crash someone else's party. Giggle our way through a dirty movie. Take a horseback ride together. Attend Hardly Strictly.