Date women from United States / Arkansas / Saratoga, 38 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. What would you like to know about me? I am pretty much an open book. I am very social, love to have fun and usually always have a smile on my face. Anyone that makes me laugh is great and you're even better if you share my corny sense of humor. I love throwing get-togethers and entertaining. A typical weekend for me is to meet friends at the same local bar and travel together to support other friend's bands or go wine tasting or just hang out and chat. I do not like to fight and am not too fond of folks who are very negative.
What I am looking for: someone who is also social with a large group of friends. Confident in themselves, likes all kinds of music and even country dancing (if you can twirl me around a dance floor, extra plus), I have a thing for guys who drive trucks and look good in cowboy hats but that is not deal breaker. You must be close to your family as I am close to mine. I do not care how much money you make as long as you make enough to be able to go out, have fun and travel a little bit and cover your share. I am looking for someone who enjoys life and plays hard while still being a responsible hard worker.
If you are interested in learning more about me, contact me and lets meet up for coffee or a drink!

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