Date men from United States / Arkansas / Jonesboro, 60 year old

Date a soulmate from Jonesboro, United States. The pics are best I can do for now-could have posted worse. OK, you all say you want honesty. These are honest.
I am seeking someone who loves drama, lies, is disloyal and untrustworthy, loves to play games, despises family, and hates animals - -NOT REALLY!, I just wanted to read that on this site one time.
You: take pride in your appearance; are intelligent; dislike drama; financially stable through resources and/or income; interested -no, check that- LOVE - to travel; are confident and secure (but not a diva!); can and do laugh at yourself; are versatile in settings.
Me - career self-employed professional,. I have a combination of children/step-children, with whom I enjoy wonderful relationships. Also have a combination of 4 FANTASTIC! grandchildren - Devoted to their well-being and future. I am a combination of unconventional and traditional. Often think outside the box and challenge mainstream thinking and mores. I can be adventuresome, often spontaneous.
Children are local, Memphis and NWA. Discretion precludes airing TMI on a public site, so if you have gotten past the pic(s) and want to know more, drop me a line.
A few things about me - perhaps the following will assist you in initial evaluation of me.
Fox News is not news.. Seriously.
Some of my guiding tenets:
Let the Golden Rule guide your actions.
Fool me once - shame on you; fool me twice - shame on me.
Everything that goes around comes around. We eventually are rewarded, or pay for, our good actions and our sins. You really don't get away with anything in the long run.
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
Bigots, racists and bible-thumpers should pass on by. I have NO problem with Christianity - its just some of the Christians who get to me.
My liberal friends think I am conservative. My conservative friends think I am liberal.
I love to travel, and have recently instituted career changes to ensure there will be plenty of time for it in my future. I want to revisit some places (Sedona, Tahoe/Sierras/Yosemite, SOCAL/PCH, Hawaii, some major cities), and travel to other places and countries besides China and the Carribbean. I love the beach, but not to the exclusion of other locales.
I don't think relationships must be 24/7 365, requiring one to forfeit all autonomy and independence. Relationships should enhance and not suffocate. At any rate, I would not desire a relationship with a person who is not a complete entity unto herself already. I am not talking about an 'open' relationship, just not a suffocating one.
I have flaws, and have made mistakes - (at least) one of them a doozie. I have concientously worked to be a better person, but I am far from perfcet (sic). I don't have all the answers - don't even know all the questions. I look forward - not backward. Life is short, and we a long time dead.
No one wears anything as well as confidence. Nothing is sexier or enhances physical beauty more than intelligence and a sense of humor.
I LOVE college football, especially SEC. You don't have to. But know in advance most Saturdays in the fall are pretty dedicated.
I like golf. Golf does not like me.
I relate most easily to people who have raised children. Lots of commanality there.
I consider 'camping' as staying in a hotel w/o a bar. I do enjoy hiking tho.
I do NOT own a Harley. I do have a bicycle. I am ethical, forthright, and socially practical (if barely acceptable, at times).Finally, just so you know how superficial and shallow I am, pls be within about 20% of 'ideal' body weight.Oh yeah - this is where I say that I love moonlight walks, cuddling, sunsets and all that other stuff too. Actually, I REALLY do with right person.So, if you think you'd like to chat, then drop me a line. NO PIC, NO RESPONSE! Other than the above qualification re physicality, I am attracted to the entire gamut of physical types, from slender to curvy.And pls don't take any of the above too seriously.

Meet single man from Jonesboro, United States. Loves God and secure about herself, faithful.Spontaneous but level-headed. Likes to have fun with each other,at home as will as on the go. Not too clingie but loving,and caring. Enjoys watching movies together. Also enjoys sum quite time as well as sum alone time.

Date a man from Jonesboro, United States. Thoughtful, considerate, open to different points of view. Goal oriented. Committed to continual growth spiritually, physically, and mentally. Professional in the medical field. Looking for someone who is a professional in their field with similar qualities as mine.

Meet someone special from Jonesboro, United States. I am a gentleman (my mother made that happen) that loves his family and life. I am loyal having a lot of true good friends has always been a blessing. I am looking for a partner to walk though life with that I can depend on and she can depend on me for all lifes joys.