Date men from United States / Arkansas / Berryville, 60 year old

Date single man from Berryville, United States. I am an easy going English teacher who enjoys stimulating conversation, witty upbeat people, daily walks, good basic food, a variety of music (60's rock) and travel. I'm not Faulkner but I do write and have discovered a new genre which I work at religiously.
I'm looking for an independent thinking women who has taken care of herself; an au natural lady who feels she can be afun-loving compliment to this profile.
I am somewhat old fashioned. I do open doors for people and believe whole heartedly in kindness, consideration and manners.
I have learned that there are some rich payoffs to being open minded. Ergo, my thinking tends to be non-mainstream,yet, very healthy and constantly on the move.
If you feel like teaming with a guy who is into everything from art, harmonics and holographs to the Beatles, honeybees, hot tea, fireplaces, love and intimacy, let me hear from you. And oh, yes I am a card carrying romantic.
P. S. I do have a quick smile and somewhat off the wall sense of humor which along with the writing can be the best of therapies.
P. S. S. The facial hair is optional. If it interferes with my social life, it comes off. Now how do you make a smiling face? : )