Date men from United States / Arkansas / Damascus, 60 year old

Date a man from Arkansas, United States. I am a 56 year old retired marine in good physical condition and general health. I enjoy working out on a daily basis to try and stay in shape. I enjoy anything to do with outdoor life, animals,travel, dining in or out with a special person, a good book, almost any kind of music (NO RAP!!!). I can be at home in a variety of situations, i.e. with friends by a roaring fire at the lake, at home with a special someone sharing a good fire - conversation - or a great movie, or having a nice dinner and a night on the town. In general I love most things that are new and different or challenging and am open to most any activity that isn't too outrageous. I am a bit old-fashioned in some ways and believe in treating a lady with the respect and courtesy she deserves. I was raised to respect others and do so as long as they deserve respect ( no snobs, thieves, liars, etc.) I would like to find a lady who takes pride in her personnal appearance, physical condition and general health. This lady would be energetic, quick-witted (though not cruel or snobbish), enjoy new situations and new and varied people. I am not interested in anyone who is a couch potato and just wants to sit at home all of the time. She should be a good communicator and be willing and able to communicate openly and honestly with others. She should enjoy both giving and receiving affection, both in public and in private when appropriate. She would be the type of lady who appreciates all of the little things of life and understands that together the little things make the big picture. Perhaps she would enjoy an unexpected call just to say - I am thinking of you, thanks for being in my life, or returning to her car after a hard day to find a single red rose on her car seat. Above all, she must be honest both with me, herself and others. Without honesty and respect their can never be a serious relationship. I am looking for someone who is not afraid to make a serious committment. Understand that his might take some time in order to develope and get to know each other or in an exceptional case the attraction and chemistry might be immediate - who can say? I would like to say that I will not respond to anyone who cannot or will not post a photo of themselves. And, from past experience, please make sure that any picture posted is of yourself and not so old as to give a distorted view of your present appearance. I intend to post recent photos (such as they are) and expect that others will do so also. I need to see who I am talking with, so please, no photos that are so dark or so vague that one cannot see you. Finally, please be honest in your description of yourself and what you are looking for. I promise, if we ever meet I will notice the differences. Thanks for listening and I wish everyone luck in their quest. Oh yes, I really do want to find someone who enjoys Harley's as much as I do!!!