Date men from United States / Arkansas / Henderson, 30 year old

Date single man from Henderson, United States. I enjoy the outdoors very much and spend most of my free time there, but that doesn't mean you have to. It is good if you have your own interests and hobbies. Hunting and fishing is how I spend many weekends and how I put much of the food on the table. I am not a trophy hunter. I hunt and garden because I like to provide as much for myself as possible. Family is very important to me. I'm looking for someone that enjoys life and is not afraid to try new things and take risks. Trying new things is an important part of life. How else can you find new things you like. As my Grandfather always says, you have to try something three times before you can truthfully say you don't like it. If sleep could be cut out of my day I would love it. I have a tendency to burn the candle at both ends. But, every once in a while it's good to stay at home and do nothing.
It is good to have some that offers motivation. But if you need someone to constantly remind you to do things or push you, I'm not the person for you. I'm pretty sarcasitc and have a semi-warped sense of humor. I enjoy helping others reach their goals. I don't consider myself to be optimisit or pessimist. I'm a realist. The glass is just a glass. I'm outspoken and will tell it as I see it, but I'm not mean about it. I like people to tell me what they think even if it isn't want I want to hear. I prefer fixing my own problems, but am not against asking for help when it is needed. What you see is what you get. I don't play games and I'm not looking for games or drama. I am honest, and will not tolerate anything less. You're only as good as your word. Most importantly, I am honest with myself.
Only recently have I accepted texting as a form of communication, but it still drives me nuts it when people abbreviate words or thoughts.
I spend a decent amount of time on the road for work. I enjoy watching sports, but after working with professional athletes for the past seven years it has definately changed my opion of many athletes.

Meet a man from Henderson, United States. Hello my name is Matt. I have lived in Colorado all my life, and have no plans on moving away. I do have my son 50% of the time so that is something that needs to be known. I just got divorced recently so a relationship is definatley something I am looking for just not right away. I am very easy going, honest, sort of a goof ball at times, and you can usually find me wearing a smile. I also like to to to the bar and hang out just not all the time. I love to cook (I know weird, right?) I know when to to be serious when I have to as well. Anything else? Please just ask.
I want to find a friend, someone who I just get along with no matter what we are doing. Being bums to camping and drinking to hanging out with friends. A good personality is huge along with honesty. I want someone who likes to be outdoors, I enjoy sitting on my patio with a cold beverage and it would be nice to have some company. I do not want someone who is loud, obnoxious, and stupid when they drink. If thats you hit next please.

Date a soulmate from Henderson, United States. I think that my friends would say that I'm easy going, and quiet. I'm grateful for living in this day in age. I love technology. I'm probably most interested in mellow laid back people. I do not have much of a social life, a few close friends and family. I find people doing stupid things, absolutely hilarious! I would enjoy meeting someone who likes to travel all over the world. I'm extremely passionate about music. I love that a song can have so many different meanings to people, and not one of them could be what the artist intended.