Date men from United States / Arkansas / Gentry, 30 year old

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. Someone who will go along with my last minute ideas but can also reign me in when I go over the edge who likes adventure but is okay sitting on the couch as well maybe someone a little ecentric to match my personality

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm more on the wild side. I like going out and explore and just enjoy the outdoors. I have a great sense of humor and I would like the same. I don't take too much seriously, but I do know when to be serious.
I'm into ghost hunting and the weird world that that brings along with it. I like the strange and odd. I really enjoy just sitting around with my friends and just relaxing with a drink or two.
I'm a huge comic book/Star Trek/Star Wars nerd. I can tell you anything you need to know about them. I enjoy the hero movies and action movies. I'm also a huge wrestling fan.
I'm also an avid video gamer. I love FPS and RPGs.