Date men from United States / Arkansas / Altheimer, 30 year old

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. My name is Jonathan. I'm 30 years old. Its hard to talk about myself...I farm a very big farm so I get to be outside a lot, which I enjoy. Anything outside... hiking, fishing, hunting, playing sports, camping, riding four wheelers, bonfires with friends. But I also enjoy going out. I like to travel, and have many trips planned for this year already. Family and friends are important to me. My 2 best friends are my business partners and I'm blessed to get to enjoy the people I work with every day. I like to surround myself with fun people. I enjoy watching moves, and reading a good book. I like biographies or books about history and the outdoors. I'm always up to try anything new, and love a challenge.
I just moved to Arkansas from Kentucky. I enjoy new adventure, a move, or a challenge. So far I really like Arkansas, but its been hard to meet new people, hence being on match. My family is still in Kentucky so I try and travel back and forth to visit when I get the chance. God has been good to me and I try to live in a way that thanks him for it. He has blessed me with a wonderful career, great friends and a life that I love.
I'm looking for somebody who likes to try new things, is outgoing and adventurous. Somebody who would like to travel. Somebody who wouldn't mind spending the day with me on my farm, but would also be willing to go out. I'm not much of a party person, but do like to have a good time. Fun and a sense of humor are a must. Cant wait to meet somebody new...