Date women from United States / Arkansas / El Dorado, 32 year old

Date someone special from El Dorado, United States. Wanna know. Just ask. Good heart. Kids come first. love all things in life. Family oriented. Looking for true love if that exists. Wanna have fun n enjoy my life. Must love kids and must love to watch kids play sports. Must have a caring heart for all things in life.

Meet a soulmate from El Dorado, United States. Nice, hardwarding, God-fearing woman. Interested in someone equally yoked. Take charge man, but doesn't mind his woman respectfully giving her opinion. Spontaneity is a PLUS!! Love to travel, spend time with family and friends.

Date a woman from El Dorado, United States. Where do you really start? well i haven't been in a relationship in a few years. i have been really busy with life in general. i am a little tomboyish but i do dress up when i go out to nice places. i try to do things myself before i ask for help. i was raised not to depend on others. i love my job. i am there more than i am at home. i would like to find someone who is laid back. someone that has finished playing little games. life is to short for things like that. i don't have time for it. my match must work also. i would like to find someone who enjoys getting out the house on the weekends. i was raised in the south but i moved to washington for several years. i loved it up there. i miss it so much. it was such a beautiful place. i lived there for about 6 years.