Date men from United States / Arkansas / Berryville, 48 year old

Date someone special from Berryville, United States. seperated man...tall and slender...good very easygoing(not much for drama),love to please,seeking a sexy lady who will broaden my horizons...i also love to give massages.not looking for anything serious at the moment but maybe the right woman will change my mind.lets chat first...

Meet a soulmate from Berryville, United States. I'm out ther and loving evey minute of it. That's one of my favorite lines from Sienfeld. I am a happy, fun, and positive man looking for the same in a woman. I don't like drama and you won't get any from me. Life's just too short. I like to do just about anything. You name it, and I think I might try it. You only live once. I just want to enjoy life and am looking for a woman that likes to camp, fish, go to movies, eat out,explore,raft or canoe whichever you choose,bbq,spend time with friends. relax and smell the roses. I think you get the jist of it. I am looking for a classy woman, but you don't have to be rich and live in Beverly Hills if you know what I mean. Just a woman that knows how to carry herself. I want a well rounded woman. One that can hob-nob with best of them but still can appreciate the down trodden and have syphathy and compassion for those that have less and not thumb your nose at them.. You get the idea.