Date men from United States / Arizona / Carefree, 60 year old

Date a man from Carefree, United States. Capture my attention...and possibility is born
Capture my imagination and possibility grows
Capture my attention and imagination...Oh my..
Belief in the power of possibility increases probability exponentially.
"I am looking for smart woman
In a real short skirt
A smart woman
Who knows how to flirt
A smart woman
With a mind of her own
Smart woman...Take me home"
"Be Good and You will be lonesome
Be lonesome and you will be free
Live a lie and you will live to regret it
That's what living means to me"
Mark Twain
Our Government's Economic Policy
If it works and moves, tax it..
If it keeps working and moving...regulate it
If it stops working and moving...subsidize it
Ronald Reagan