Date women from United States / Arizona / San Carlos, 41 year old

Date a woman from United States. I have so much life to live, so much energy, so much passion about what i do, so much love for my children, such a happy person, yet so stuck in a situation. I enjoy getting up in the morning and enjoy my starbucks everyday. I am happy to bring it home and drink while i clean house, or am happy to drink it there and people watch. I like to be active and cant stand a couch potato or home body who sits in front of the tv or computer all the time. I do everything either alone, with friends, or my kids, and i think i am ready to actually "share" myself. Let someone in. Be taken care of, be someone's best friend, their partner..NOT their mother. I am not playing games, or teasing if I kiss you, but don't think I will sleep with you the first night I meet you, or the 2,3, or 10th even! So if your looking for sex, your reading the wrong profile and if you drink more than socially, then your doubly in the wrong place..

Meet someone special from United States. It seems pretty simple...I am looking for a great guy...someone who is funny, considerate, happy, confident, enjoys what they do and that I totally enjoy to be around! I have a busy and full life but I would love to meet someone that compliments my life and I can share it with.
My 2 boys are incredibly important to me. They are amazing and give me so much joy. I share them with their father and they live with me 50% of the time. They are really cool kids...and make me laugh a lot!
I love to travel and experience different cultures but I am just as happy doing stuff around the house. I enjoy a nice balance of travel and being at home.
I want to be with someone that inspires me and that I can inspire!