Date women from United States / Arizona / Globe, 41 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. oh wow i don't know what to say other than if there's anything you want to know just ask and I'll tell just don't forget to return th favor:) i do hope you are one that likes to laugh and makes me laugh. I feel laughter is the best medicine;D

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. i'm not thin but i'm not fat. I can still rock somebody world. just try me. i just lost my soul mate not to long ago. so just looking for a friend to make my laugh. later maybe it can be more. only time will tell

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I always have fun and can laugh in just about any situations. My friends tell me I am adventurous and they know they can dare me to do just about anything.
My heart is still living in the 80's. I am a "product of the eighties!"
My family is very important to me I love them and place them in high priority. I can not enjoy the good things in life without my friends and family so I share all that I can with them.
I love the Southwest desert it has always been my home even when living in the beautiful Colorado Mountains. There is something so special about the plants and animals that can thrive in the hot thirsty desert. My awe and respect for the desert makes it my favorite place.
I have had several jobs but now I have a career and I love what I do! I am very Lucky!
I love to listen to classic rock music and to me nothing is better then sitting on the grass watching and listining to a band play the same set you know they have done at least a couple hundred times (unless we are talking about the Dead) .
I have always been an independent person and am looking for a man that isn't afraid of a women who can stand to be alone. This man would have to be funny! It is one of the most important things I look for in a person. He would also have to enjoy being outside in the cold and the heat. I am open minded to new activities, foods, places, music just about anything. I am looking for a man who feels the same and isn't afraid to try something new. Could you be this open minded person?