Date men from United States / Arizona / Prescott, 62 year old

Date someone special from Prescott, United States. Recently relocated to the mountains--I love it, and so does my dog! My latest business venture is in the field of epigenetics.
My dearest and oldest friends would use many of the following words to describe me: positive, smart, compassionate, forgiving, funny, curious, eclectic, innovative, honest, energetic, athletic, professional, accomplished, happy, healthy, thoughtful, erudite, well-traveled, articulate, polite, open, (and from the Boy Scout Law- trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, courageous, spiritual, visionary, and a gentleman. Yes, I am separated and the paperwork is moving forward. My "girlfriends" say that I "should put myself out there" (and I always listen to smart women)!
I am not looking for a "roll in the hay"--friends first and then, when divorced and only then, we can explore other things. If that is a problem for you, then please do not respond. And, please no "winks", or other such responses.
I love traveling to the world’s great capital cities and experiencing the vibrancy of the city as much as much as I love sitting on a deserted beach or alongside a stream in the forest.
I was an executive in two of the world’s largest management consulting firms. I was ridiculously wealthy.
I have been interviewed and quoted in some of the leading and most prestigious newspapers and trade magazines, and also wrote a best-selling text book for college undergraduates. I have written or co-authored 10 books.
I have met Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, Presidents, First Ladies, Senators and Congressman as well as some of the best known CEO’s leading some of the world’s largest corporations. But I come from a humble coal-mining community, grew up in a very poor and impoverished state, yet was the first in my family to attend and graduate from a four year university.
I still have many dreams, ambitions and desires, yet I take each day in stride and try and do good with my fellow neighbors at all times. I still plan to climb the highest mountain in the world, sail around the world and travel into space.
You are kind, sweet, gentle, pretty (inside and out), caring, talented, courageous and an "athlete"-not just in a physical sense, but psychologically, socially and emotionally.
You are smart, sexy, always learning; you are curious and questioning, yet perceptive.
You are grounded; happy in your own skin, but always wanting to continuously improve, help others and work hard everyday to be the best person you can be.
You love family and friends; you can entertain, smile, laugh easily and help others to see the beauty and bounty that living life to its fullest can proffer.
You do not suffer fools gladly; yet you expect and want yourself and others to own their “stuff’, be personally responsible and believe in the best and most positive aspects of all life.
Above all else, you will always be honest, and forthcoming with yourself; you have learned to trust your instincts.But,when you know that your actions may put you in harm’s way, you will trust me, your partner, to always have your back. And, we together, will figure out a way to always move forward.
We will comfort and support each other, and be able to be weak with each other; we can cry together. But we will be with each other, no matter how much physical distance may come between us.
We will grow old together; but never be old, in our hearts and spirits.

Meet a man from Prescott, United States. I enjoy someone that's easy to talk to and with a positive attitude. I can't stand winers or people that put other people down to make themselves feel better. Someone that enjoys just the simple things in life. And of coarse loves the outdoors.

Date a soulmate from Prescott, United States. Hello, and thanks for stopping by my Profile. I'm seeking a lady that likes to add adventure to her daily routine. And if there is nothing going on that is adventuresome, then a lady with the imagination to design an adventure for us. What I know of life has changed so radiclly in the past two years it is hard for me to believe most of what has changed. It my head sets to spinninghas been like I turn 60, and downhill most everything goes. But before I get too depressing let me share some of my history.
looking back the title "Vintage Rocker" fits because not only do I love Rock-n-Roll from the 50's up until today; I was also adding to the music of that time as a Rock Drummer. So when someone asks me what makes me smile, my answer is Music, not just Rock, but almost every type of music out there. And if it is Live Music you got to tie me down.
The question in the list of Inspirations, "What are you grateful for?" It has got to be I'm grateful to be alive. And looking back at my path most folks will agree. One never knows what is going to happen next. Reckless??? Yes. Would I change anything??? No.......... Well, I don't know about that, maybe a couple of things. But don't get me wrong, I have experienced some of the greatest Joy as well. The kind of Lady I'm hopping to find is one that can share openly and honestly, and can participate in a relationship of equal support for one another, and I don't mean money. I now walk with a Cane after Spinal Fusion Surgery, but I look at it this way......... At least I can walk. In March of 1984 the biggest positive turning point took place for me. It was after a major traffic accident that I was able to hear the message of Alcoholics Anonymous, and with God's help I have been sober and clean for 28 years. The best part of that experience has been the opportunity it gave me to return to my education, and after completing it, become Licensed to work with Adolescents and their Families while we all did battle with Addiction. And by the way I would hope to find a Lady with a similar view on Addictions, and not be actively pursuing any.
I could go on and on, as I have been seen as "Long Winded" at times. I'm gonna cut it short and just share a little bit more. I worked as a Paramedic for several years, and I find that my body is now paying for it. I have the greatest Joy in my heart along with the greatest sorrow. I'm willing to commit to a relationship of Love and support for one another, if I haven't driven you off lets talk. I'm retired now, so you know I got the time.
And it sure would help if you love the Ocean as I do, and want to be close to it.

Meet single man from Prescott, United States. Recently retired from managing my own business for 15 years. Moved to Prescott from the Midwest 3 yrs ago and just love the people and climate here. Stay active hiking, biking, excercising, and travelling locally throughout Az and CA. Like searching for new beaches and places to swim in the many creeks and lakes around here. Have recently taken up golf. Am looking for that special partner who is kind, sincere, and wants to share many of these activities. Hope to spend a lot of time together sharing adventures, exploring life, and teaching each other new activities learned by our seperate life experiences. Bring a sense of humor because I will bring mine. If you like to hold hands walking or hiking, or cuddle on the couch, I am the man for you.

Date someone special from United States. I am a fun loving male who enjoys life and wants to share with that special person. Like to play golf ,travel,walk.I am easy going and like to have fun. I would like to have a good friend and companion. People seem to always comment that I am a nice person,compassionate,a good listener and someone they want to be around. Day or weekend trips are great. I try to be very positive person. Hoping to find the right women to share my life with and build a relationship on trust and friendship and love. Someone I can communicate with. Lets talk.

Meet a man from United States. Since I've gotten a little bit older I've learned to slow down a little bit, smell the roses if you will. I'm a retired Air Force pilot, and proud of it, gee if I could only fly free again. Would like to find someone sincere, caring and fun loving, adventurous wouldn't be bad either. I love art and dabble myself, love music and occasionally sing karaoke without people leaving. Would eventually like to settle down again with the right one, but one step at a time. I will post photos at a later date (didn't really know I was coming to this site), and although I'm no Robert Redford I've been told a woman can do worse. In any case, you can't win if you don't play, so throw it out in the wind and maybe love will find you again.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am a retired high school principal from Mesa. I would like a partner to travel with, dine out, and have quite nights around the fire. She also needs to be well read and intelligent. It would be nice if she has the same interest and is also retired.
My friends describe me as intense and honest. I am very supportive to those I am close to and will fight for a cause.
My social life has been a hold because of some difficulties I encountered. I have been reclusive but its time for me to come out and enjoy life.
I love to watch football and basketball live. I am not a sports nut but I do like watching.
Kids need to be grown and out of the house. I enjoy them but like the freedom of only being a grandfather.

Meet single man from United States. I am not sure about the perfect person. Its the similar qualities that people have as well as the differences that make life interesting. I have traveled extensively in this county and Canada. I also am starting to explore other areas and would love some company,

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Would like to meet attractive lady that shares common values with me. With interests that we can share. Life is walking a tight wire instead of cushy chair. An inch of gold cannot buy one moment of precious time.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I am big on the basics, loyal, with a sense of humor, spiritual but not necessarily religious, value the simple things in life, am in wonder when I look around at the world, want to share that wonder, I like to give comfort....all of this I also would like in my partner for life

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a caring, fun loving,adventurous kind of man. I like challanges and adventure trips and site seeing. I like a woman with similar interests. One that can share my interests and I share her interests.