Date women from United States / Arizona / San Tan Valley, 40 year old

Date a woman from United States. I'm looking for my BEST my LAST.
I'm looking for the man that is confident strong enough to **say what he means mean what he says**. Someone who knows how to balance all the important things in life have fun. I'm strong independent but like to be appreciated spoiled.... not materialistically.... but with your **time affection**. I'm a passionate sweetheart just want someone who will value that instead of taking it for granted.
I'm a wonderful mix of Puerto Rican Irish, originally from NY. I'm a very kind loving person but my native language is sarcasm... New Yorkers aren't rude.... we just don't have time for the BS, lol....
I'm not into the drama or the games I'm not looking for a "hook up". I'm looking for my last "firsts".... I'm looking to find the one I can have fun w/ while building a future together.
Please, please, please have an updated picture of yourself. I am exactly who I say I am expect the same from anyone I may meet.
I'm looking for someone down to earth stable, someone "normal" who's comfortable with himself. I'm often too trusting will believe what you tell me until you give me reason to believe otherwise, it's the only way I know how to be, but I'm by no means gullible or naive.... it won't happen twice. I'm not stuck in my past on what another man may or may not have done to hurt me... I deal w/ things move on... I don't have baggage or drama in my life won't make you pay for the mistakes of others....
“A lie cannot live.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.
“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” ~Catherine Ponder
“Only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.
“Better to fail with honor than to succeed by fraud.” ~Sophocles
“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the f*ck on.” ~Tupac Shakur

Meet someone special from United States. Hmmm..I hate this part..
IРІР‚в„ў am, a real woman, a best friend, a sister, a daughter, a grand-daughter, a survivor, a believer and most important I am ME!@! ?I am misunderstood, funny, silly, giving, sensitive, heavy hearted, forgiving & forgiven, life of the party, emotional, scarred, unpredictable, honest, a tell it how it is girl, love shoes, not afraid of the unknown, ready for anything (usually), confident, strong, independent, smart with a smart a** mouth, determined, successful, I will bend over backwards for those I love, I fight for what I believe in no matter the outcome, I trust to easy, I forgive alot easier, I play hard, and best of all I leave my footprint in everything I do or touch & that makes me UNFORGETTABLE !!
My family is very importsant to me, I have 3 nephews here, 20, 19 and 3 years old. The 3 year old hangs with Aunty alot !!
Looking for someone who Compliments My Life...Not Complicates It